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Jimin was feeling sad,the triplets were three now all mischievous and full of energy perfectly normal but Jimin felt like he'd lost his way as an individual.
He loved being a parent and a husband but his work seemed to falter, he couldn't concentrate in his home office/lab, he felt like he'd lost his individuality. He didn't know why.
It started to show more as the weeks went on, he'd snap at Jungkook for minor things which in turn made Jungkook stay longer at work which in turn made the triplets whine for their father and Jimin feel upset.
One morning Jimin was making breakfast for everyone, he hadn't slept well and the triplets were arguing, Jungkook came down, riling the children up even more, the noise level rose until........
Four faces turned to Jimin in shock, "er babe, your scaring the kids?"
Jimin looked at his children, they did look upset, he felt like crying, he picked his car keys up muttered a , stay with the kids" and left.
Jungkook wanted to run after his mate , for weeks he had felt the others unease but had been unable to get him to talk, now he felt an overwhelming sense of failure and knew it was coming from Jimin.
Jungkook turned to see his daughter frowning up at him.
"Yes baby?"
"Mamas sad,mama needs love,"
He stared in shock at his small daughter, he was convinced more than ever that she would be an Alpha, she dominated her brothers and was more adventurous than them and more intuitive it seemed.
"It's ok baby, mama will be ok."
He got his children to sit quietly and eat their breakfast before he stepped into the office and rang his husband.
It went straight to voicemail so he left a message,
"Babe please call back I'm worried whatever it is we can sort it out."
He cleared up after their breakfast and let the children run off some steam in the garden all the while checking his phone.
Five hours and three grumpy children later Jimin hadn't called. Jungkook was worried, he kept calling all the while trying to manage the three kids, how did Jimin do this everyday? Usually they were good for him but then again he didn't spend as many hours with them, not like Jimin who was basically around them 24/7.
He frowned, if he felt like this after not even a full day how did Jimin feel? Was that the problem? He loved his kids but was pleased to get a break away for work, Jimin had always loved his work it made him feel special, lately he'd been tired not sleeping well, moody, he'd told Jungkook he hadn't got much work done and he foolishly had assumed that was through choice, but after being around his little angels today he realised it was more because he wouldn't have been able to.
All of a sudden he felt panic in his chest a sense of doom. He panicked something was happening to Jimin.
He rang his mother," mum I need you and dad to get here now."
"What's up dear?"
"Mum now, I think somethings happened to Jimin."
He put the phone down pacing back and forth worriedly keeping an eye on his napping children he quickly answered the door when his parents knocked.
"Jungkook what's up ?" His father asked worriedly.
"It's Jimin, he's not been himself and this morning rushed out and I've left messages but......"
Jungkooks phone rang and he quickly picked it up,
"Jimin are...."
"Hello are you related to Jeon Jimin?"
"Yes, I'm his husband, who is this?"
"I'm sorry to inform you that your husband was in an accident, he's here at central hospital."
"I'm in my way!"
Jungkook put the phone down explaining to his parents, he worriedly looked at the triplets asleep on the sofas.
"Go dear keep us informed,"
Jungkook nodded rushing off feeling like crying but knowing he had to be strong .
He got to the hospital and found where Jimin was going quickly there.
"Mr Jeon? I'm Doctor Chou, your husband has a concussion, a broken hand and is very anaemic, he crashed into a  stationery car we think he blacked out."
"Oh god was anyone else hurt?"
"No the car was parked it seems he just blacked out going along and drove into it."
"Can I see him?"
"Yes we have put him in a private room along the corridor 130"
Jungkook thanked him and rushed to the room. He quietly opened the door,his chest hurt as he saw the small pale figure in the bed, a cast on one arm a plaster on his forehead . He looked so small and defenceless not the strong person he knew his mate to be.
He sat by the bed gripping the others good hand in his.
Half an hour later and Jimin's eyes fluttered open, realising where he was he turned to his husband his gaze downcast," I'm sorry I ran off Kookie, it just got a bit much and now I've smashed the car and.... Where are the triplets!!"
"Oh god baby, you scared me so much, I don't care about the car you are what matters! Mum and dad are with the kids ."
Jimin struggled sitting up muttering," gotta dress get home I'm such a worthless parent what will they think."
Jungkook held his arms keeping him in the bed,
"you stay right where you are, you're going nowhere"
Jimin tearfully stared at his mate," I've been horrible to you lately, I don't blame you for coming home late"
"Jimin why didn't you tell me you were struggling, I haven't been with the little demons for a whole day yet I can see they are a handful, I thought you weren't working because you didn't want to not because you were unable to! I know how much your work means to you."
"I feel so useless,I wanted to be this strong independent omega able to do anything but look at me a useless parent and husband "
"No you are not, three kids ? They are enough to try the patience of a saint and you've been there 24/7, hiw I don't know, they don't seem like this at weekends?"
"Because we are both there,"
"True, the doctor said you are very anaemic too?"
"That probably explains why I feel so tired then."
"Also why you blacked out!"
"Oh god did I hurt anyone?"
"No love just yourself,"
"I had such a bad headache this morning,"
"Baby we need to find a solution, once your better how about we get the kids into nursery in the mornings allowing you to work in peace, if you need to stay working I can pick them up from nursery and bring them home , also I'll get the parents involved once a month we can have a date day, they have the kids stay overnight while we......" he wiggled his eyes suggestively.
Jimin smiled," mr Jeon get your mind out the gutter."
"But baby I miss your loud moans , it's not the same having muffled sex!"
"I'm sorry for the way I've behaved too Jimin I should have noticed, I felt something was off but didn't question it."
"It's ok Kookie, we both thought we were doing ok, if I'm anaemic it's not helped, it made me tired which made me irritable and I didn't want to admit I wasn't coping . I see Tae and Hobi managing and Jin and RM with their baby, but I seem to be unable to."
"Jimin they have one child each, we have three very energetic demanding children, I assumed it was ok for me to just carry in go out to work and come home, you took on the hard stuff, childminding, cooking cleaning and trying to work,it's not like we are poor so we could have done this a while back or at the very least got a housekeeper to cook and clean."
"Now I like that idea!"
"Great, I will look into it straight away!"
They hugged each other then Jimin drifted off on his husbands chest. Jungkook text his parents to let them know what was going on and they said they would take the children back with them, he also put the question off them helping out now and then to which his father answered that his wife had already ordered childrens bedroom furniture!"
Jungkook glanced down at his husband with adoring eyes if anything had happened to him....... He held him close staying with him through the night.

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