Catch him offguard

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Jungkook couldn't understand what all the fuss was about, they were mates for goodness sake and he knew Jimin had enjoyed the sex he'd been more than vocal on that!
Jungkook sat in his office working but his mind kept drifting to Jimin and his angry little face which would have been cute in other circumstances.
Hobi walked in, "Jungkook can you sign this? Hello ? Anyone in there?"
"Oh sorry....."
"What's got you in a tizz?"
"Oh what's he done now?"
"Well....., I found out how he controlled his urges, i got to him at the time of his heat and my rut and you know we got it on."
"Eeeeek! Details please!"
"That's it , although I did mark him and I did ask if he wanted to stop,"
"So why the glum face?"
"He got mad because the stuff he used to control it, I found out who gave it to him, I made them give him fake stuff so his resistance dwindled , I've also made it impossible to get more........, when he found out he called me an asshole and that it should be his decision and told me to get out, I'm wondering how long before he cools down."
"Er, it was a bit sneaky Kook an Omega in or near heat will agree to anything their body craves, he probably feels you gave him no choice."
"But I'm his Alpha!"
"But not his owner, you should respect him,"
"But he wasn't giving me a chance or a choice?"
"You should apologise,"
"He won't listen to me he was angry.......he looks cute like that though just like when he cu......" he realised he was giving out TMI and stopped.
Hobi coughed," right Erm, well you have to try and woo him,"
"Woo him?"
"You know flowers, chocolates ,gifts?"
"Hmm , I suppose,"
Hobi left and Jungkook immediately ordered flowers and chocolates to be delivered to Jimin, imagining him smiling cutely when receiving them.
Two hours later and Hobi knocked on his door,
"Er Kook.....,"
Hobi carried in some flowers and chocolates, Jungkook looked confused then frowned when he read the note.
Dear Asshole you really think this will help then you are more stupid than I thought shove these where the sun don't shine
Park Jimin(not your mate my own person!)
"That little.....!!!" Jungkook fumed, he wasn't used to someone getting the better of him.
Jungkook stormed from his office and drove over to Jimins cursing the fact that he couldn't get in unless Jimin let him.
Buzzing the gate he heard an angelic voice," hello?"
"It's me, let me in,"
"Get lost"
He buzzed again
Putting on his Alpha voice "jimin let me in right now"
Unfortunately for Jimin he couldn't deny that voice now his cure was gone so he buzzed him in, panicking he ran to his office before Jungkook got there and grinning to himself he found his precious earphones that cancelled out any noise and plugged them into his iPod  clapping his hands in front of him he made sure he couldn't hear anything but the music then sat by the front door, he saw Jungkook come there and knock but didn't hear it internally laughing as he saw the Alpha shouting something he couldn't hear.
Jungkook stood outside knocking and banging on the door using his Alpha voice which he knew Jimin couldn't resist now so he was confused why the other didn't do as he demanded.
Suddenly a small figure stood in a front window, Jungkook marched over there yelling at the other, all he got in return was a smirking mate shrugging his shoulders and pointing to the headphones he had on his head then laughing uncontrollably .
Jungkook growled in frustration ,why oh why did Jimin have to be his mate, why couldn't he have had a pliable cute omega.
His wolf admonished him for thinking of Jimin like that and whined to be near the omega.
Jungkook was strong and even stronger in his wolf form so he stripped off outside the house thinking of charging the front door, jimin watching in shock guessed what he was going to do and rapidly pressed a button as Jungkook geared up to charge. In seconds the heavy shutters covered the doors and windows and Jungkook changed back in frustration , he'd forgotten about those .
Dressing he took one last look at the house before stomping back to his car and driving off rapidly,Jimin watching on the cameras he'd installed and laughing at the dumb Alpha.
Opening the shutters he went into the office to work pleased when he had advanced in a drug that helped wolves who miscarried , he'd seen devastation on parents to bed faces when seemingly for no reason they lost the pups they are carrying. He'd studied their genetics and tried one thing after another and was sure he was almost there.
He decided to go out for a meal, he didn't mind his own company he was used to it,so he drove to a steakhouse and was sitting eating when a voice called out.
"Park Jimin nice to see you here,"
Jimin turned to see Mr Jeon senior there escorting a pretty lady who he assumed was his wife.
"Park Jimin? You mean our Jungkooks mate?" The lady said excitedly.
"I'm Jungkooks mother,"
"Surely not, you look more like a sister ," Jimin said gallantly .
The women giggled," oh he's so charming isn't he dear, maybe he can teach Jungkook to be more like him."
Jimin snorted," sorry, but charm is the last thing I associate with him,"
"Oh he can be charming, it's just that he's a bit spoilt and used to getting his own way."
"I'm sure," Jimin said before standing up," well if you will excuse me , I'm meeting friends at a club, nice to see you both."
He paid his bill and left, Mrs Jeon was straight on the phone to her son.
"Yes mother ,I approve of your mate, he's charming and so handsome."
"What? Where did you see him are you with him now?"
"No dear he said he had to meet someone at some club so....., jungkook....., are you there...Ah no respect for his poor mother "she moaned putting her phone down.
Jungkook knew where Jimin was going and dashed to his car, driving slightly recklessly to get there, he got to the club and looked around to find Jimins car but didn't see it, then he saw a car pull in a few feet away and smiled evilly to himself, get out of this Jimin.
Jimin had driven to see Jin and Rm, he pulled in and stepped out of his car when,
"Come here Jimin,"
Turning in fright at the deep Alpha tone he cowered in his spot.
"Not so cocky now are we? Your are coming with me right now."
Jimin wanted to disobey but his mates dominant voice stopped him and he weakly went to where the other stood. Jungkooks hand clamped on his shoulder and his mouth came down punishingly on the others eliciting a deep moan from him before he was picked up slung over the others shoulder and his ass slapped hard," your coming home with me , no more, shutters gates or hiding places, I'm gonna wreck your ass so you can't move and then my disobedient omega we will have words!"
Jimin gulped..., maybe he had pushed the other to far, as Jungkook put him into his car and drove off quickly he wondered if maybe, just maybe he was a little bit excited by Jungkooks words, but he'd be damned if he let the other know, so he sat in the car face turned to the window arms crossed ignoring the other until Jungkook turned into a drive of a lovely open plan house. The car stopped and Jungkook grasped the others stubborn chin," no good denying I can smell how much you want me, shall we go?" He got out of the car going to Jimins side and picking up the angry little bundle and carrying him inside.

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