The family Jeon

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"Oh god I can't move I feel like a barrel"
"Jimin you look great, glowing," Tae said
"That's probably code for red in the face as I try to move around."
Tae laughed then fidgeted," er is it bad then being pregnant?"
"No ignore me I just feel enormous, it's great feeling life grow in you, every kick assures you they are fine."
"I have to tell you,I have taken your drug, as soon as I heard about it Hobi and I discussed it, I have had a miscarriage before,"
"What Kookie never said?"
"He didn't know, I begged Hobi not to say anything I felt such a failure, one day I found out I was pregnant the next I miscarried , I have the gene you mentioned, we went through a phase of regret and denial and self loathing then you came along , I trialled it under my name I didn't want any favouritism,we just found out I'm six weeks pregnant and so far so good!"
"Oh Tae I'm so happy for you!, our kids can have sleep overs and grow up together!"
"I told Hobi I would tell you the news today so he's going to tell Jungkook."
Jimin grabbed his friend and they danced around happily until....,
"Ooops?" Tae questioned
"Er, my water just broke !"
"What oh shit what do I do who should I call let me drive you to the hospital."
Jimin nodded as he was taken over by a sharp pain, bending over he huffed out," tell Kookie to meet us.....aaaargh, there!"
Tae rushed to get Jimin's hospital bag as he dialled a number.

"I'm so sorry Hobi I didn't know I thought maybe you and Tae were going through a rough patch, you were so sad and quiet at the time."
"It's ok Kook, we grieved and now we will have our reward , Tae is telling Jimin about it today in his visit, oh talking of Tae ," he said as his phone rang.
"Hey there you...., what ? Now? No no drive carefully be there soon!"
"Something wrong,?"
"We gotta! jimins in labour Tae's taking him to the hospital,"
Jungkook stumbled from his seat rushing to the door then rushing back to pick up his car keys.
"I'll drive," Hobi said
Jungkook nodded now realising the indigestion he thought he had was sympathy labour pains.
When they got there they found the whole gang there as Tae had nervously called them as Jimin was taken away.
"Quick Kook Jimin was yelling for you," an unusually stressed Yoongi said, he'd grown fond of his friends husband over the last nine months .
Jungkook nodded as Jin pointed to the door he needed to go through, he was greeted by a nurse who took him to the labour room where he saw a tearful Jimin struggling in pain .
"Kookie it hurts!"
Jungkook sent his calming pheromones over Jimin who clasped his hand gratefully.
"Hey babe your doing great and think of the prize at the end of it we will have a family"
Jimin panted as a strong contraction came over him,
"Your doing great Mr Jeon just keep calm and rest in between contractions " the doctor said.
Two hours later and a numb handed Jungkook was getting upset at seeing his mate in so much pain . Another contraction came but Jimin couldn't even squeeze Jungkooks hand.
"So tired....." he mumbled
""Mr Jeon come on you can't give in look come on push through this contraction, that's it push, there's the babies head, pant now that's it, now big push ,there...., you have a son!"
The babies cries brought his parents to tears, Jungkook kissed his tired husbands forehead.
The baby was cleaned up and passed to Jungkook who held him lovingly near his husband who weakly touched the babies small hands," hello my handsome Minho ,"
"Minho ? I like it ,"Jungkook said as a nurse took the baby from him so that he could be ready for the next one.
"You did it baby we have a son,"
"Aaaaaaah! Jimin's contraction came rapidly and barely ten minutes later the doctor yelled," it's a boy,"
"Two sons wow can we name him Jiyhyun ?"
Jimin nodded tiredly glad he was done until," oh well that's a surprise, get ready to push again,"
"What!!!" Jungkook and Jimin exclaimed .
This one is smaller and was hiding behind the other two !"
Thump !
Jungkook came around in a chair next to Jimin's bed.
His mate was holding his hand, Jungkook sat up ,
"Did I fall asleep? I had the weirdest dream that you were having triplets not twins !"
Jimin chuckled and pointed to the opposite wall where three cribs were.
Jungkook stood up in shock running to the cribs two with blue blankets one with pink," your daughter Minyun,"
Jungkook stared at her, she had the features of Jimin whereas the boys looked more like him .
A knock came at the door and their friends rushed in followed by Jungkooks parents.
"Let me see my twins," Mrs Jeon gabbled before stopping in amazement looking at three cribs,"three? We have triplets!"
"Wow,way to go Kook!"RM said
"Excuse me I was here too!" Jimin shouted.
"I'm sorry Jimin of course your included, supermom!"
After cooing over the babies the visitors left, Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed near his tired husband,
"Yes Kookie?"
"Thank you for being you and bringing me so much happiness, you will be a wonderful mum just as you are a wonderful husband."
"Aw Kookie your so sweet,"
They sat cuddled together then Jungkook sat up,
"shit I've got to get another crib and dolls girls like dolls right?"
"Kookie, there's plenty of time, all three could share one crib they are so small and don't be sexist she might like cars!"
Jungkook sat back then jumped up as Minho started to cry, he picked him up rocking him and singing but although he calmed he was fidgety.
"Bring him over I think he's hungry,"
Jungkook watched in awe as his son suckled on Jimin, he felt a teensy bit jealous.
"Kookie what's up?"
"I'm the one who normally does that."
"Are you jealous of your child?"
Jimin pulled Jungkook to him kissing him," you still can Kookie."
Jungkook kissed his husband back then put his fed son back in his crib then lay on the bed with his husband, the pair falling asleep with smiles on their faces.

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