Bagian 23

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Happy reading

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How do we rewrite the stars?

Say you were made to be mine?

Nothing can keep us apart

'Cause you're the one I was mean to find

It's up to you, and it's up to me

one can say what we get to be

And why don't we rewrite the stars?

Changing the world to be ours.

Rewrite the stars - Zac efron & Zandaya

Petikan senar yang senada menemani gelap nya langit yang seperti nya akan turun hujan, lagi.

Jefan sedang di balkon kamarnya memainkan gitar yang sudah lama tidak ia gunakan sembari menyanyikan sedikit lirik lagu yang akhir-akhir ini ia sukai.

Jam menunjukkan pukul 22.00 wib. Cukup malam tapi ia tidak perduli, matanya masih segar lagi pula besok adalah hari libur.

"Na.. na.." Jefan bersenandung kecil sembari memetik senar gitarnya.

"Saya mau request boleh?" Jefan menoleh seketika saat mendengar seseorang sedang berbicara kepada nya.

Jefan mengangguk kecil, "Boleh."

"Angel baby, Troye Sivan."

Senar mulai di petik menghasilkan suara indah.

I need a lover to keep me sane

Pull me from hell, bring me back again

Play me the classics, something romantic

Give him my all when I don't even have it

I always dreamed of a solemn face

Someone who feels like a holiday

But now I'm in pieces, barely believing

Starting to think that I've lost all feeling

You came out the blue on a rainy night, no lie

I'll tell you how I almost died

While you're bringing me back to life

I just wanna live in this moment forever

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