Ch. 13.2 Saving Drake

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"Alex, what do you think you were doing?" Rile asked and took a deep breath, his knuckles white on his sword. He alternated between looking at her and watching Drake run into the distance.

"Working. Saving prostitutes. Endangering Drake's life even more. Destroying his livelihood as a pimp. Is that good enough?" Alex put both her hands on Rile's chest and looked up at him. Her stare was intense and he had to look away. "Please say that was good enough. Please?"

Rile looked down at her and then back up at Drake's retreating figure. His voice was low, and pained. "I don't know. How much did it cost you?"

"Not much unless you're really angry with me. Then the cost is sky high. Don't be angry with me, please. Please?" Alex gripped his arms, drew him close to her, and then she buried her head in his chest.

"Tell me everything."

"Ah, fire truck."

"That bad?"

"Let's concentrate on what was accomplished," Alex said. She released Rile to tick off her fingers. "Saving prostitutes, endangering Drake's life more, destroying his livelihood as a pimp."

"Again I ask: what did it cost you?" Rile looked down at her and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Not blood or sex, so I'm happy about that. Let's go to the Mercy Tent and supervise," Alex said.

"No. Let Rofe, Dola, and Raba take care of it. Your presence will complicate matters. Let us spend some time together. Just you and me," Rile said.

"Our tent," Alex said. "Flap tied shut. Thorough oiling. I want you synchronized to me so you know how much I love you and how sorry I am."

Rile hummed and shot her a suspicious look, but let her lead him off. Alex was as good as her word. After she oiled his chest, legs, and arms, she coaxed out his wings from his back. They were a gleaming red-gold that reminded Iris of the sunset or a roaring fire. She ran glowing hands all over them with slow, sensuous motions until Rile inhaled sharply when the pleasure peaked and Alex joined in his enjoyment.

Once they were entwined, body and soul, she said, "I've been meeting with Drake. Some meetings you crash, some you don't. I made sure you were busy for this meeting. I wanted to free all his prostitutes but it was an accident that I synchronized to him the other day. I swear it." Alex laid her head on his chest. "I'm sorrier than you'll know."

"I can feel it." He stroked her hair, his breathing deep and measured.

"He had a crappy childhood. Abusive alcoholic father," Alex said. "Did you know?"

"I suspected. But lots of guys have crappy fathers and don't use it as an excuse to sell female's bodies for their own profit, Alex," Rile said. Like magic, Rile's wings wrapped around her.

"I didn't think of that. Why don't I think of these things when Drake is around?" Alex complained.

"That's his genius," Rile said. "Manipulative genius. Hell, I fell for it and I'm pretty wise to manipulation." Rile looked down at her, then held her between his hands and pressed his lips against hers. "But no more, right?"

"You forget that I felt what he felt," Alex said. "It's not all manipulation."

"Alex, I can't tell you how moved I am by the depth of your concern for others in spite of what you have been through yourself, in spite of the fact that others would not have been so brave in your place. But let Drake go. He's a pimp, an exploiter of females."

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