Chapter 5: Princely~

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A/N: Sorry for such a late chapter! If anyone's read my last or previous announcement, I had to take a very long break. Now I'm back! Ty for waiting :D!


I couldn't find any really cool shiny Gallade pics sadly... None of which relate to combat at least. XDD and this one was the best one, despite the lack of weird bulge around his waist like his original design. x.x

In the next chapter, Torch will shine :D!

(Opening theme!)


"Ugh, I'm so tired... To think I need to make dinner, too," Marce's exasperated sigh reached Mel's feline ears, and leaned her back against her seat. Exhausted, the faint murmurs of pokemon cries echoed through the sunset as she sat there almost limp and laid her head back against the top of the chair. Very tiredly she peeked at her friend and gave her a faint smile, as she watched Mel clean her paws with an occasional glance in return. "What sounds good tonight? I bought some noodles so I might make some spaghetti, anything different you want? Since I know you don't eat human food," she questioned and gradually stood so she could make her way to the stove nearby.

Poke' Kiblets, please? I heard from one of the Pichus that recharges your generator thing, that they ate some recently from a generous human that passed by some days ago. It must be a new brand, I've only ever heard of a few but not that. With slight interest, Mel answered, and observed the brunette as she finished pouring water from her faucet, into her large pot.

"I've never heard of it. Well, I guess that's one thing I can try and look for next time, so... How about your usual favorite instead?" After Marce asked, the pot was soon placed onto a burner and a lid on top to help the water heat up quicker.

Yes, I'd love that-- thanks. Happy, she was, the feline's tail flailed with delight after her poke' cry escaped her lips.

Quiet now, silence, which seemed to have lasted a good few minutes until a kind smile graced the brunette's lips. "By the way..." trailing off, she paused for a moment before continuing. "Thanks for helping Hornet," Finally, after thanking Mel, she quickly put the noodles in after the water came to a boil and stirred it until they started to soften a little.

I didn't do much. He seemed to catch on quickly during his fights, I rarely had to suggest anything; he seems like a natural. A little curious about their new friend, Mel's voice sounded as though she was a little intimidated by the sudden progression in the bug pokemon. However, voices echoed, and she couldn't help but bend her ears behind her like most cats do and eavesdrop on them. A protector of their treehouse, a huntress at night, it was difficult to ignore such sounds when it was close to nighttime and the voices were close. Marceline... I hear a human below our home and a faint murmur of a Blaziken. This time, her head turned to look through the screen near the table and sent sharp glares in their direction. Friendliness was overridden by caution, so she decided to step closer and peer down to see if she could find anyone.

"W- What? Seriously?" Quickly, she left the pot there to cook and hurried to Mel's side. With her palm pressing against the screen, those hazel hues looked down in hopes of finding anything but she only ended up putting a small dent into it. "Hold on, I'll go check. Stay here, okay?" With that said, her best friend watched her race from the platform to her front door, so from the ever-growing caution she did the same and trailed after her.

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