Chapter 13: A Past for a Past

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(Opening Theme! :D)


She is taking a while...
Kuro's calm voice echoed through his mind, as his nearly transparent feet fazed through the grass around Marceline's home. Maybe-- I should go see her. His pale hand lifted to catch a falling leaf that whirled from the slow descent. A gentle touch was what he felt on his wrist when it landed, careful so as to not move. Those contemplative red eyes watched the leaf flutter ever so subtly from the barely noticeable breeze and felt himself falling into a daze.

His lips in a frown, exposed closed teeth similar to a particular ghost pokemon until they opened to speak. Although, no words came out, for he couldn't find it in himself to actually talk. Marceline... I'm sorry. I was the one to ruin your life in the past, wasn't I? I feel... I might ruin it again. With a clench of his barely transparent fist, the leaf crushed in and carefully let its fragments fall.

It was only a few seconds before his form began to gradually hover, further and further reaching past the treetops to view everything below. Soon, he flew, incredibly fast beneath the clouds and kept his eyes glued to the passing land. Searching, examining everything for a hint as to where Marce was at.

However, after some minutes passed, to an abrupt stop he floated there when he saw the brunette land with the help of Mew. The pink Legendary, he noticed, nodded its head after Marce, and a buff man he saw before, waved goodbye. Mel and Hornet whom he met before, accompanied the two when the Legendary softly placed them on the ground next to the other two. That Human, is with my Marceline? Is that the friend she spoke of? A tinge of jealousy filled his crimson hues, spiking anger that only seemed to have made tightened fists tremble.

The buff man he saw, helped the brunette walk towards the main sidewalk of the town. His hands were on her bicep so she wouldn't fall, Kuro could tell by the look on her face that she wasn't doing so well. Is she hurt? Who did that to her? I don't see any marks on her from this distance, but she looks damp. In his thoughts, worry and anger bubbled inside. The jealousy on his face was soon accompanied by concern over her well-being, however, he dared not confront her about it.

It was him... Wasn't it? Piercing eyes twitching, one of his trembling fists opened and was lifted slightly. Rather quickly a dark ball of energy formed inches from his palm and without hesitance, it was chucked across the distance. He saw how it scared them since the ball nearly missed the tan man's head by a foot or so and knocked over a nearby tree.

He was swift to conceal himself when they looked in his direction. Invisible to their eyes, he remained, a form of Hypnosis covering him up and making them believe he wasn't there. He will pay... Mumbling in his mind, his teeth gritted. Although they couldn't see him, other nearby Pokemon were able to, which was a tiny Scatterbug quivering behind a rock.


"Thanks, again. Why did you put your Pokemon back in their pokeballs, anyway?" Through a weak voice, Marce asked, as she felt his strong grip support her steps. From the contact, she could feel the heat rise to her cheeks and the strength in his hold caused her attention to focus on her feet.

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