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The next morning, the two arose- earlier than usual in order to compensate for wasting a whole day yesterday.
Lexa wanted to get there as soon as possible, not because she liked where they were going ( not that she didn't) but beacuse the idea of being somewhere- free and open with Clarke by her side painted an image the brunette longed for.
As for Clarke, she intentionally dragged her feet that little more than usual - slowing down their journey, prolonging it. She loved Lexa. Not heda. Heda was stressed, busy and payed no head to the blonde when she was acting the role of leader. She hated it. It's like she ceased to exist- with one outfit change the brunette she loved would be replaced with a unblinking, stoic, leader- seemingly lacking feeling or emotion.
Clarke admired that. To some extent.
Plus, if Lexa could easily dismiss Clarke when it suited her, did that mean the older didnt love Clarke?-
" what are you thinking about" lexa spoke with a smile pulling at her lips.
The sight was quite funny- Clarke marching defiantly, yet somehow dragging her feet across the stone pathway, her blue orbs fixated straight in front of her, as if nothing else mattered, her jaw clenched harshly.
Lexa thought she looked cute. A bit like a rabid kitten.
Clarke abrutly stopped walking, kicking the rubble benath her as she did so, and angled her neck toward Lexa- annoyed.
" where are we going?" The blonde spoke, exasperated.
"I told youuu it's a suprise babe" " Is that what you're annoyed about?... well sulk all you want because im not telling you Clarke. For it will no longer remain a secret if I tell you now will it? " she spoke trimphumatly.
The blonde stopped all-together, the rubble beneath her boots crunching together.
" Lexa, I'm serious" the blonde said with a stoic face and fingers pressed to her temples.
"So am I" Lexa spoke, stopping also.
"Look, if you're gonna make me walk all this way just so we can get to yoUr PeOplE" the blonde said with exaggerated carrot marks atop her head " then you can forget it. I will not be your party favour- something you an leave or discard whenver you feel like it"
Lexa snorted. For she was now a pig apparently.
Clarke looked over at her- offended and a little confused as to how that grotesque sound errupted from someone so sweet.
Lexa chuckled upon seeing the blonde's face- utterly bewilidered.
The brunette walked upto the younger girl and softly grabbed her arms that were placed roughly across her chest in a criss cross pattern.
She then trailed down her arms to her hands and held them, a warm smile on her face.
" I promise, we are not going to My PeOpLe" Lexa laughed, mocking Clarke's previous accusation and clear distaste of them.
The blonde had been expecting a feigned apology not this.
Her eyes shot open, and face contorted into one of shock.
"Really?" She uttered barely.
"Yes" the brunette spoke- suprised at the blonde's reaction. " did you really think that I would abandon you? Lexa spoke tenderly but sincerly- afraid of the answer.
" for your people? Yes."
Lexa gave a loving kiss atop the younger's lips and hugged her tightly.
"Never" " you are my people, Clarke" Lexa whispered lovingly in the depths of Clarke's blonde locks, hoping her small whisper of a voice was somehow loud enough for her to hear.
Clarke clasped tighter onto Lexa's back- practically cutting off on previous blood circulation- and nuzzled her head into the brunette's shoulder. They stayed like that for a while- basking in the others warmth, comfort and love.
"Yeah?" Came the stifled reply.
"Are you crying?"
" what?! Why?" Suddenly the brunette was alarmed at removed Clarke from around her so she could hold her at arms width and look at her beloved.
"It's just.. everyone leaves me. Everyone. I think they like me, but the minute I turn my back they leave- run, leaving me on my own. Bellamy, mom, dad"
Lexa gave a sympathetic head rub followed by a kiss .
"Not me" " I won't, ever"
" I know"
" but Clarke why did they run, I mean it's not exactly discreet" lexa questioned, truly confused.
Clarke rolled her eyes. " nooo Lexa it's an exagerration. Basically they leave me as fast as they can"
" awh my baby" Lexa placed her left arm around Clarke's shoulders tighlty and her right hand pushed Clarke's head against her chest. She lightly kissed her head.
" I'll never leave you"
"That's all I've ever wanted" came the reply through multiply sniffles.

"We're nearly there" the older spoke, trimuphantly.
The journey had been less than fun. Clarke's legs gave up less than half way through and Lexa had to resort to carrying her- not for the whole time- (most of it).
"I.... think.... we...should....rest...now..I...think....I....see...the...moon" a very oxygen depreived Clarke spoke, whilst pointing to what was clearly the sun.
Lexa rolled her eyes and lead them both to a nearby cave.

A.N- nope, didn't die. I was just busy violently sobbing over villanelle's death( from killing eve). AND IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT THEN GOOD, YOU DONT WANNA EXPERIENCE THAT.

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