Chapter 2

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I hated socializing.

Maybe it was because of the countless conversations I've had with old sexist men or their wives who couldn't believe a sixteen year old could be capable of handling a man's world. To which to their discontent, I proved them wrong.

In all if a sixteen year old girl could reign in something bigger than herself, than any other could do it too. After all, the answer to all is hard work. Hard work I've done to prove myself worth for the past two years, not for all those men that felt superior, but for them, my world.

Although, old people would rather think highly of themselves than to think that a young girl could meddle in between strong men. I was no competition to them, to which is why at the end of the day I was the one winning.

I was playing chess while they were playing checkers. Always ten steps ahead.

And all that ignorance would be their downfall while it would be my victory. Because only strong people lost at the end of the story, the smart ones always won.

However at this moment I was neither strong or smart.

Sitting on one of the benches outside the school, I couldn't help, but feel bad for ditching Neveah. As much as I disliked the idea of talking to new people, it was a must, especially for my line of work to which is why I should be used to it, but to no avail.

So now, the blonde sits alone in a table full of strangers, with the boy she likes. She's always been good with meeting new people, she's always had me by her side.


Placing the stick to my mouth, I made an act to inhale as much smoke as possible, before blowing it out.

"I'm sure she'll be fine," I whispered into the air. But Santiago was somewhere in the school, he wasn't by her side, most probably in the art class and I was out here, having a moment to myself.

Looking into the window overlooking the cafeteria, I was quick to find her familiar face. Red tinted her cheeks, a sign that she was nervous. She was looking at the only other girl in the group whom was talking to her animatedly.

And by seeing the scene unfold before my eyes, I noticed how Neveah let out her timid laugh, where she held a hand to her mouth, "Fuck it."

Standing up from my previous seat, I let the cancer stick fall to the ground, stomping on it. Letting my red bottoms lead me inside, never letting my eyes waver from her as I entered. And as if she could feel my gaze, her blues met me and a smile grazed her features.

Walking further into the room, and to where they were sitting, I soon stood in front of their table.

"Aurelia! Please sit." I watched as shock covered Neveah's face, especially since it hadn't been her who'd said those words but Dorian.

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