Chapter 11

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The building was silent, no sound being made even from the floor above. It was too silent, especially after finding out this had been where the Cobras have been stationed all along. It had been three months.

Walking further, gun drawn, I continued moving into the place, checking every other room, and when I got to a door that led downstairs I knew I had hit a jackpot. Everybody knew that the real thing was situated underground.

"Don't move."

Five or so men in black stood to my right, guns pointed directly at me, and a man stood in between them. His gun still in the holster.

"I'd suggest you don't make any sudden movements," the man spoke while the rest never strayed their focus from me. "Be smart on your next move little girl. You're outnumbered."

"Am I?" Cocking my head to the side, eyes trying to decipher wether to take a right or a left. However, my thoughts were interrupted with a single sound.


One moment I was surrounded, the next, bullets are flying overhead from behind me, one even managed to embed itself on my skin, but what I found odd was that they hadn't come from the people I'd encountered before.

Holding tightly onto my arm, I moved behind a crate, away from the gunfire after shooting at the men dressed in regular clothing and more specifically, the one who'd shot me. And seeing as the men in black were shooting at them too, I decided not to kill them just yet.

One after the other, they fell. Leaving now, the man and one of the guys who'd come with him. "It seems we're in the same team." And even at his words, the gun continued to be pointed directly at me.

"How am I supposed to trust you?" I asked, thankful I hadn't used all my bullets, if everything went haywire than I'd have the upper hand.

Squinting his eyes, the man shrugged a shoulder, "You don't."


Furrowing my eyebrows, I looked to the guy next to the man from the corner of my eye, never wanting to stray from my target, "Giovanni?"

"You know this girl?" The man looked in between the both of us, his gun seeming to be lowered when Giovanni came.

"She goes to Santiago's school," he explained, motioning towards me while placing both hands on his waistline.

"Well, that's one reason you can trust me." He seemed too sure of his reply, "here." I watched as he put his gun away, hands raised up in the air, "I'm Valdo, Santiago and Giovanni's papa."

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Loud laughter filled the dining hall and I couldn't help, but laugh myself at Giovanni's words. "What! She truly did show interest in me."

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