Chapter 7

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"You are an imbecile."

Silence followed, as standing not too far from us was the source of the voice, I took notice how the whole table stayed quiet, probably listening and hanging onto his every word, but as soon as Santiago came back to his seat next to mine and tossed an arm over my shoulders everybody started acting as if they weren't eavesdropping moments ago.

"Okay," Davina dragged the word, trying to get everyone's attention, "how about we talk about our movie night instead."

Santiago, however, still seemed distracted, it was evident in the way his eyes held a fight. And when he turned his gaze to mine, and I gave him a questioning stare, he shook his head, and I knew what he meant. Not here.

"We are going through with the plan?" Neveah questioned obliviously, she most definitely hadn't stopped thinking about the possibility though, especially if it meant she could spend more time with Dorian who'd been missing last Friday, but now sat on one side, playing with her hair.

Davina shared a look with Alessandro before responding, "Of course," then she pointed over to Carter, "he and I are neighbors, so we thought for movies his house since he has a nicer movie theater and for sleeping my house since it will be alone for the rest of the night."

Carter nodded in agreement, all the while Neveah alongside Davina radiated excitement at being able to see each other after school hours. Carter, Dorian and Theodore didn't seem to really care about the matter in hand, although Alessandro and Santiago both screamed disapproval. The two for different reasons.

I of course was also apart of the latter, but I wasn't about to voice my opinion and ruin the mood. But that wouldn't stop me from leaving early into the night.

• • •

Santiago seemed to be trying to dodge me, why I knew this, as soon as I got to Carter's house with Neveah, he only greeted her, taking her away.

And now in the movie theatre room, I sat on the right side of the room at the edge seat as to not be trapped, a sleeping Theodore to my left.

Neveah had been all lovey dovey with Dorian since we got here, they couldn't even stay far from each other for a second. And Carter always seemed to be with Davina at all times, and well Santiago just didn't want to be anywhere near me apparently. So he sat with them too.

Alessandro was nowhere to be seen as a scary movie was playing in the background. Screeches following closely. Neveah. She's never been big on scary movies, and the fact that Dorian had chosen the movie says a lot.

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