Chapter 12

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Neveah had been calling all morning alongside Santiago. He didn't know, just like he didn't know most stuff by choice. But this wasn't his choice. It was something he had the right of knowing, especially since it concerned his own brother whom we currently didn't know anything about his whereabouts, but I didn't have a say in any of it, it was Valdo's correspondence.

It wasn't long since we left last night, Giovanni was home, we were all there. However, it could have easily been while Valdo and I were in his office. Or as Santiago and I were leaving. And as I looked over every face in their villa there was one in specific that wasn't there. The woman.

She had stayed behind yesterday, the rest of the employees had gone off to their designated places after dinner, and yet she was still there as if waiting for something.

"Rebekah Anderson." Ezra, Valdo's most trusted hacker had been going through every registry trying to find the face that was captured by the cameras situated in the dining hall, whoever was helping the girl wasn't capable of deleting all evidence.

Leaning one hand against his desk I looked straight into the computer, taking every point on that screen, all information was necessary, "And we're sure this is her."

"Yes, I've gone through multiple scans," he spoke, "do you need this on paper?" Separating myself from the desk, I shook my head all the while his eyes looked me over. "You sure?"

"I've got it from here," I nodded, going to exit the room, "thanks Ezra."

"Sure." The closing of the door blocked any other sound, sighing I began on my way out the building knowing exactly where to go.

I have seen that face before and heard of the name, I just didn't know how she managed to get into this.

• • •

The place was busy as always, even during the start of the week. Bets were being thrown across the room in the form of whispers, and others were sat on the stools facing the bar finding the drinks more interesting. The VIP room was full today, having been reserved by the one and only Rebekah.

Our culprit thought it'd be safe to go into the land of Giovanni, I mean after all he was the owner of this place, and as he was at the moment not here, she felt at a breeze, but what she didn't know was better kept that way.

"Send your best wine upstairs," at my order, the waitress moved against the crowd and did as told while I watched everything play out from down here. The woman wasn't up there just yet, but a couple of people, men and woman alike as well as what seemed as teenagers lounged waiting for her presence.

But once a blob of black hair made its way down the stairs trailing behind the waitress, I took note that I was wrong and she had taken precautions, not big ones, but they were something. In the currently dim room, you couldn't see where her lie ended. Looking to the side, still keeping tabs on her, I slightly moved my head towards her and the guy standing not too far from her nodded.

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