Chapter 5

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It was Monday.

And let's just say that I thought that by this week, Neveah would come back to our table and go on through her day as normal, but that wasn't the case.

Walking or more like limping into the cafeteria, I watched as the blonde talked to the blonde, the irony. However, what I found even more surprising was the fact that Santiago was actually sitting there laughing.

And at seeing my friends happy and me needing some time alone, I decided going outside would do me good, but my plans were short lived as soon as my name was called.

A sigh left my lips as I started going towards the individual who'd captured my presence. "Neveah," I greeted her, and waved at the rest, although I passed Santiago a smile one he didn't return.

I guess he isn't as happy as I thought or maybe it's just me.

Walking to the empty seat in between Neveah and Theodore, I could feel eyes on me, "Are you hurt?"

I didn't meet his stare as I went to sit down, gritting my teeth as I lowered my body onto the chair trying my hardest not to put a lot of pressure on my right leg. "Why would you think that?"

Santiago's eyes stayed on me, "You're limping," he deadpanned, leaning onto the table as he sat across from me.

I shrugged, "Jayden and I, tripped and fell." It wasn't a lie, however, I tripped him making us both fall.

"Really? We went to your house yesterday and he seemed fine," Neveah spoke up, making me give the both incredulous looks.

"You went to my house?"

"Is there a problem with that?" Santiago was quick to reply, lifting an eyebrow.

Shaking my head I said, "No, of course not," looking at Neveah I explained further, "he just got a little bruise, I on the other hand hit the landing with my leg." Further injuring my leg.

She nodded, but Santiago didn't seem convinced, "Hmm. Interesting, shouldn't you have been home then. And don't say you were with your cousins, they were there."

"Why do you care all of a sudden," I gritted out, fury eating at me as I tried to calm it.

"Because all you seem to be doing for the past few years is run away from us, you're always occupied with something," he bit back.

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