Chapter 22 - The happenings

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So guys here is the next update. I hope you guys will like it 😊😊😊😊😊

Guys I am sorry I am going to put huge terrifying truths in this. How much Prachi suffered you guys should know. So sorry please bear with it.

Ranbir stood outside waiting for the doctor to come out. He was walking here and there outside the room and then at that time the doctor came out. Ranbir straight came to him and asked questions. Note the doctor is none other than Vikram.. I am keeping him because there is a reason.
Ranbir, worried: "Uncle, how is Prachi? Is she fine?"
Vikram: "Yeah she is fine, she is still unconscious, but yeah there is nothing to worry"
Ranbir, relieved: "Oh thank you uncle"

Vikram: "But Ranbir, she is mentally too disturbed"
Ranbir: "Means?"
Vikram: "It means that she has faced a lot of tragic incidents including acid attacks so that is really haunting her and..."
Ranbir: "What?"
Vikram, hesitating: "Actually..."

Ranbir: "Just tell uncle, it's ok, whatever is there just tell"
Vikram: "Ranbir, just come to my cabin, we will talk there"
Ranbir: "Ok fine doctor"

At the cabin
Vikram sat at his place and Ranbir also sat down. Vikram was looking tense and Ranbir was getting scared and worried seeing his face.
Ranbir: "Uncle, you're just scaring me. Whatever it is just tell please"
Vikram: "She was raped"
To which Ranbir's entire world turned upside-down: "What?"
Vikram: "Yes"
To which Ranbir got so shocked.

Vikram: "Not only now, I say before also many times it took place with her..."
Ranbir was so shocked to hear this.
Vikram: "And the worst part is Prachi doesn't know anything about this"To which Ranbir's eyes started getting moist: "What do you mean by Prachi doesn't know about this?"

Vikram: "If I am not wrong she is using a tablet or someone is making her have this tablet called beta blocker propranolol"
Ranbir, shocked: "What is this tablet?"
Vikram: "It is a tablet used for making someone to forget whatever happened the previous day or to forget something which are fearful memories, which are the hardest to forget"
Ranbir looked on.

Vikram: "Today Prachi fainted cause today she had a high dose or was given a high dose"
To which Ranbir clenched his fists.
Vikram: "I know it's very tough for you to take this.. But please make sure that Prachi doesn't know anything or else she will not be able to take in anything"
Ranbir, with tears: "Ok uncle"
Vikram: "I think Prachi might get some haunting memories of today.. But whenever she gets any please do give her all the love and comfort and make her detach from all those haunting memories"

Ranbir: "But, what if she will remember all this in future?"
Vikram: "Of course she will remember this in future but her reaction will depend on how much love and comfort you will be giving her... the more you give the less shocking will be her reaction"

Ranbir: "Ok"
Vikram: "Try to replace all these bad memories of her life into good ones so that she can easily forget on all that and only good things will come to her mind"
Ranbir: "Ok uncle"
Tear marks were clearly evident in Ranbir's face.. He couldn't control it and he started to cry..
Vikram: "Ranbir, calm down, it's ok"

Ranbir: "How to calm down uncle.. You know right.. How much I faced before.. You clearly know it and this worst thing is happening again... what the f*** those bastards get while doing this?"Vikram knew what Ranbir was indicating and patted his back and consoled him: "Ranbir, calm down... what can we do with the past... leave it and think about Prachi, take care of her"
Ranbir just calmed down by his words.

Vikram: "By the way... you didn't say who Prachi is? How do you know her?"
Ranbir: "She joined as my personal assistant in my company and she is my best friend"
Vikram: "But seeing your worries and concern for her it's something more that you have for her... if you have those feelings for her then I am very proud of you my son"
Ranbir looked on.

Vikram: "If you have those true feelings for her then you're a man with a heart of gold... you're not only giving her happiness but a beautiful life too that every girl likes her wishes for. I am so so proud of you, beta" Ranbir smiled and hugged him and left from there and came to Prachi's room.
He came inside Prachi's room and saw her sleeping due to the medicine effect. Ranbir was teary eyed seeing Prachi and remembering what Vikram said but he wiped his tears cause he doesn't want Prachi to remember anything of that sort.

Ranbir sat there and slowly took her hands and held it slowly. He started to caress her cheeks and told: "Prachi, I know you're sleeping with no disturbance now and this itself is giving me so much peace. But please I hope after this you will not remember anything about your past. I will make sure that bastard and whoever is behind this I will surely punish all of them and I will make them bow down to your feet and beg for forgiveness from you, this is my promise to you"
He wiped his tears with a determined and angry face.
Ranbir: "Now I am going to tell you something which I always wanted to tell you from first itself. I know you are not hearing me now but I can't hide this anymore"
He looked towards Prachi and moved forward to tell her.


So guys here is the next update. I hope you all liked it.

Precap: Same as before. The next update is the most awaited update for all of you. I hope you all will like it.

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Question of the day

1) What Ranbir wants to say to Prachi?

2) Did you all like Ranbir in today's update?

3) Want the next update today? Please do tell me in the comments.

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