Spreading like Wildfire-Poptropica Super Villains Sickfic

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Not my art :)
This one is going to be good :)
A flu bug had been going around at the villain's agency. The only ones safe were Copy Cat and Sir Rebral. But when Copy Cat gets sick, Sir Rebral has to care for all of them.
Sickie: Copy Cat
Caretaker: Sir Rebral

It all started when Ratman complained about not feeling well. When he started to throw up, the whole team knew something was wrong. He was confined to a bed, and they thought that was the end of it.

They were wrong.

The next day, Crusher had caught the mysterious bug. He was quarantined as well.

The next day, they were enjoying their lunch.
"Betty, are you alright? You haven't touched your food," Speeding Spike asked in concern as Betty Jetty sat alone looking slightly off. "Actually, I don't feel too good," she mumbled as she laid her head down. Sir Rebral started freaking out internally.
First Crusher, now Betty Jetty. That was when Speeding Spike turned slightly pale and put a hand on his stomach. "I'm not feeling good either," he muttered. "Do you feel like you're going to be sick now?" Copy Cat asked him. He nodded, and they both got up and went into the bathroom.

When they came back out, Copy Cat was rubbing Spike's back and keeping him calm. Spike, on the other hand, looked disheveled and weak. "I'm going to get him into bed," she told him. Sir Rebral nodded, noticing that Betty Jetty had fallen asleep in her spot at the table. He smiled and blushed.

Later that day...

Copy Cat wasn't ready to admit it, but her stomach was feeling a little off. Her head hurt too, and she was very tired. She was with Sir Rebral on the couch watching a movie. She looked up at him, and he took notice. "What is it, sweetheart?" He asked. "I feel really off," she whispered. "How? Are you sick?" He asked, feeling panicked. "Mhm," she mumbled. He pressed his hand against her forehead, instinctively yanking it away. "You're burning up," he said in concern. That was when, to his horror, Copy Cat slapped a hand over her mouth. "Whoa...are you—," He stammered. She shook her head, and Sir Rebral helped her into the restroom.

She knelt down, dry-heaving. Sir Rebral furrowed his brow in concern as he rubbed her back gently, trying to console her. That was when she instantly threw up. Sir Rebral carefully pulled back her short black hair. For a minute, she just hovered over the toilet, panting. She looked at Sir Rebral, and started to cry. She wasn't able to hold back her tears. Sir Rebral started to wipe away her tears. "It's okay, you're sick, it's not your fault," he said comfortingly.
She sniffled and wiped her face on her sleeve. "Do you want to get in bed?" He asked her. She nodded.

When they had gotten into her room, she lay on her bed, feeling weak. "Um...do you want some cuddles?" Sir Rebral asked her, to which she nodded. He smiled and knelt beside her. He threw his arms around her, rubbing her back gently and calmly. She practically drowned in his embrace, not that it was a bad thing. She liked it, and slowly started to fall asleep.

Next I will do one with Oliver and Mya!

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