Sneezy-Tavi x Paulla Sickfic

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These two are at it again :)
In this one, Paulla catches a cold and Tavi takes such good care of her! This one is going to be so cute:)
Sickie: Paulla
Caretaker: Tavi
Tavi awoke that morning, looking beside him on the bed and seeing that Paulla was still sleeping. He caressed her short brown hair between his fingers, smiling at her. She slowly opened her eyes. "Good morning, my sunshine," Tavi hummed softly as Paulla groaned. Once he got a good look at her face, his smile slowly slid off his face. Something just wasn't right.

Paulla was paler than she normally was aside from the two red blotches on her face. Her gorgeous brown eyes were slightly dull and she just seemed completely out of it. "Paulla, are you okay?" He asked her. She just shook her head no and laid back down, coughing. She shivered, feeling awful.

"What's wrong, sweet pea? I can't help you unless you tell me what's wrong," she simply groaned. "My head hurts, and my throat," "My poor sweet baby," he cooed as he rubbed her back, laying his other hand on her forehead. "You're burning up," he told her, giving her a kiss on her forehead. "Just rest, okay? I'll make us some tea," she gave a labored nod in response, and Tavi went to the kitchen.

He started some chamomile tea for Paulla, heating up the water and testing the temperature. While he let the tea cool, he looked for a thermometer. He eventually found one in the medicine cabinet. He then grabbed the tea and carried it to the bedroom, waking Paulla up. "Hey, can you open your mouth for a second? I need to check your temperature," He asked.

She obliged and opened her mouth, and Tavi took her temperature. The device beeped and Tavi looked at the reading, heaving a sigh. "102, geez, you're burning up," he whispered softly. Paulla only whimpered in response. "I don't feel good," she started to cough, and Tavi patted her back, calming her down. She started sipping her tea slowly before she stopped. She then sniffled and gestured toward the box of tissues on the nightstand. Tavi picked it up and handed it to her, and she sneezed into one, wiping her nose and sniffling. "You've got a cold, baby," she nodded and rolled her eyes. He sat down next to her, comforting her by rubbing her back and whispering calming words into her ear. Paulla started to slowly close her eyes. Before Tavi knew it, Paulla was asleep.

Awww this is so cute I can't 🤩
Next I'm thinking of a Jonas x Lieutenant Rogers Sickfic where Lieutenant Rogers
gets sick and Jonas cares for her! So cute!

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