Stomachache at school-Oliver and Jorge Sickfic

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This will be so good :)
In this one, Jorge gets sick at school and Oliver takes care of him so well! So cute!!!

Oliver walked through the hallway with Jorge, his best friend. He felt other kids crashing into him, but he didn't care, and neither did Jorge. They continued walking through the crowded hall, hearing the bangs of lockers, the shouts of the eighth grade boys, and the girls giggling and sharing lip glosses. Oliver was happy. They had finished their science project a day early, and he knew they had this in the bag.

But Jorge just wasn't feeling it. His stomach hurt and he was tired.

Jorge's POV
It felt like my nose was stuffed with cotton, and felt like I'd swallowed sandpaper. My head felt like someone was trying to drill into my skull. I could feel my eyes glazing over. As we walked, I noticed my legs were shaky and I almost fell over. I shivered, feeling a severe nausea in the pit of my stomach. Me and Oliver walked into the cafeteria, and I sat down, but not before grabbing a Sprite from the vending machine.

I hate Sprite and only drink it if my stomach hurts. I sucked it up and drank it. It wasn't helping. I still felt nauseous. Now it was worse when combined with the sour aftertaste of Sprite. I laid my head down just as Oliver came over. I put a hand on my sore stomach. The pain was unbearable and I hated it. I let out a bit of a groan, and Oliver noticed. "Hey, dude, you okay?" He asked me. I shook my head no. That's when my stomach practically went up my throat. Before I knew it I was throwing up all over myself.

Oliver's POV
I was holding Jorge up by his shoulders, making sure he wouldn't face-plant into the vomit that was all over the lunch table. He started crying and looked at me. "Icky," he mumbled, burying his face in my shirt. "Ohh, it's okay, you're sick, it's not your fault," I assured him as I kept him calm. By that point the lunchroom monitor had seen what was happening and ushered the two of us into the nurse's office.

3rd person view
Jorge woke up in the nurse's office, feeling really sick. His head hurt, and he felt dizzy. "What happened?" He mumbled. Oliver noticed and walked up to him. "You blacked out," "I don't feel good, I feel icky," He mumbled. "It's okay dude, you're just sick, I'll ask my mom to pick us up," He then picked up his phone and called his mom. Before they knew it, Oliver's mom's blue sedan showed up in front of the school. Oliver grabbed Jorge by his shoulders and helped him walk out to the car.

When they got into the car, Sandy(Oliver's mom) gave them a concerned look through the rearview mirror. Oliver got into the backseat with Jorge. Jorge laid his head down on Oliver's lap as Oliver smoothed his black hair. Jorge smiled through his stomach pains.

Awww so cute I can't :D
In my next one I'm doing Ratman and his pet rats who love him! So cute!
Until then my peeps, ADIEU!

Poptropica Sickfics!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora