Too much Candy-Oliver and Jorge

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Oliver groaned as he lay next to the empty bucket of candy. He'd eaten all the leftover candy from Halloween, and at first it had seemed like a good idea. That had changed. Now in the common area, he was laying on the couch, feeling bloated and sick. Jorge then walked past him, noticing the empty candy bucket. "Are you alright, Oli?"

Jorge was filled with concern for his best friend, Oliver. He looked so sick! He had already noticed the empty candy bucket, so Jorge decided to take the first step and ask about it.

"You know, all that candy can't be good for you..."

Jorge reached out a concerned hand to Oliver. If he was sick, he wanted to be there to help. "Are you sick?" Jorge asked. He felt Oliver's forehead.


Oliver raised an eyebrow as he stared up at his best friend, Jorge. Sick wasn't the word he would be using to describe his situation, as he didn't want to seem weak or pathetic. Instead, he just groaned and shifted on the couch.

"I ate a lot of candy..." he mumbled as he looked down at his bloated stomach. It was painful, and he felt sick to his stomach. "Yeah. Probably, yeah."

"How's your stomach?" He asked. "...Full." Oliver glanced up at his best friend again as he let out a soft moan.

"And hurting..."

He reached out with one hand in the hopes that Jorge would do something to soothe his aching stomach. He was so uncomfortable, and he couldn't imagine a more ideal situation than being comforted by his best friend, who never judged him. "Is there anything that would make you feel better?" Jorge asked.

"Honestly, I don't know..." Oliver admitted with a heavy sigh. There was nothing that he could think of that would fix his overindulgment in candy, and he was too embarrassed to admit it.

"I'm okay..." he mumbled as he covered his face to hide his guilt from his friend. Oliver melted at the hug from his best friend, even if the physical contact would only make his stomach hurt more. It felt amazing to be comforted, especially as his stomach growled in protest.
"Do you want some water?" Jorge asked as he gave Oliver a hug.
"Water sounds good..."

Oliver couldn't deny that he was thirsty after binging candy for so much of the day. He needed something to quench his thirst and something to help ease his stomach.
"Yeah. Please..."
Jorge got up and returned with a small glass of water.

Oliver thanked his best friend profusely as he accepted the glass of water. He drank deeply, feeling a bit of relief from the cool droplets on his hot stomach. While the nausea faded, Oliver still felt full to the point of sickness. There was no way to remedy his problem beyond lying down and suffering the consequences of his poor choices. His stomach grumbled again in protest. Oliver hated that, but he had no way to stop it. "Thank you... That helps..."

"Is that better?" Jorge asked, trying to prevent himself from spitting as a result of his lisp. "Yes, yes, it is..."
Oliver nodded as he shifted on the couch, still trying to make himself comfortable as the sugar was digested. His stomach grumbled in complaint once again as he sighed heavily.

"I think I ate too much candy..." Oliver admitted as he rubbed his eyes, feeling completely drained. "No kidding. You ate the entire bucket," Jorge rolled his eyes playfully. "I didn't mean to... I just couldn't stop!" Oliver moaned as he put his hands over his face, feeling embarrassed.

His stomach continued to grumble, making his face heat up in embarrassment. He couldn't believe he'd eaten a bucket of candy and now had to deal with the consequences.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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