01-lonely boy

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"Lonely boy stay lonely"

"Hi!! My name is Hueningkai! Wanna be friends??"

"Oh sure? I guess.."

Beomgyu let his head fall back against the couch, letting his right hand -which was holding his phone- fall to the floor as tears streamed down his pretty cheeks. He was watching the news on his phone.
"Plane xxxxx has just crashed down. 5 survivors, 3 of them severely injured. Identification of the passengers is still in progress."

Beomgyu's best friend was on that plane. Of course he didn't know whether his Ning was dead or alive. Yet he still worried so much, he couldn't stop crying. His mind didn't stop a minute to think positive, not even a second. All he could think about now was that Kai could be dead.

"괜히 만지작거려, 나만 홀로 남아 여기 /I'm fumbling unreasonably, I'm the only one left here/"

"Hey Ning, how was yo- Oh! What happened to your face??"

"Oh hyung, it's just.. my mother again.. you know, the usual. She didn't mean it though!"

"Ning, I get she gets drunk often but lately she's.. becoming aggressive when she's drunk.. I mean look at your cheek.. You have a scar! Did you even treat it?"

"I know hyung, but you can't control a drunk person. Oh and my cheek- I forgot to treat it-"

"Sit down"

Beomgyu was now watching the evening news. Oh why did he have to watch the news, why did he let go of him at the airport? He should've held him so he missed the flight, if only he held him in his arms a little longer.
"The dead passengers have been identified. We are sorry for your lose to the families, partners and friends of xxxx, xxxx, xxx,....., Huening Kai Kamal, xxx, xxxx, xx,..."

Beomgyu's only friend, the first person who cared enough to talk to the lonely boy was now gone. He should've held Kai closer, he shouldn't have ever let him go.

He'll have to let go of him now, something his heart never wanted after falling for his best friend. But thing was for him that, Kai confessed to him, they went on dates, kisses and such but they never actually asked the other if he wanted to be his 'lover'. So he wasn't sure what to call their relationship.

"손깍지 끼면 하나가 됐던.
외롭게 남겨진 반쪽짜리 / We became one when we held hands
A half star was left alone/ "

"Hey hyung~ I got you a present! But only open it when you think you really need me to come and hug you, okay-?"

"Uh? Okay?"

"Right! It's valentine day today~~ I got so many chocolates but I didn't like them so I gave them to my neighbor-"

"That must be nice, to even receive anything.."

"I have something for you actually.." Kai said as he cupped my face in his hands, bringing my face closer to his.

"Hyuka..? What are you doi-"
He- kissed me wait-

"Kai! Wha-" He cut me off again pulling me back to him as he captured my lips again. I felt something sweet enter my mouth.. a.. strawberry candy?

I looked up, meeting his eyes looking at me.. damn those pretty eyes. They always make me flustered if I stared too long at them..
He snapped me out of my day dreaming as he pulled away. Pulling out the strawberry lolly out of his mouth after and holding it before my lips.

"Say aahh bear cub hyungie~ heh" Another new nickname.. This boy he's mine but we aren't like lovers... But he's still mine and I'm his..

Beomgyu opened the little box he had received from Kai on valentine when they were about the age of 15. "Only open me when you really need a hug of mine! I might not be able to physically hug you but that's why I gave you this gift!" Beomgyu read what was written on the little box.

He opened the box. Polaroids. Lots of them. A small penguin plushie. And an audio recorder..

He pressed on the audio recorder's play button.
God the only voice he wished to hear could now only be listened to as an recording.
His Ning was singing him a song. Their favourite song..

"Starlight by HERD"

"If you take me faraway, I'll stay be your side

When was the sunset of last summer?

Shall we come closer,
If you take me faraway, I'll stay by your side

Look at the star
Look at the star"


Beomgyu really had to let go now.. he couldn't take Kai faraway anymore as life has decided to take over.

"남겨진 건 이별인 / What's left is a farewell/ "

-777 words

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