14-cafe manager assistant; he's my boyfriend

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Goodday sir, what would you like?”

Goodday! Hm I'll take a sweetened expresso and a slice of chocolate cake please!”

“One sweetened expresso and a slice of chocolate cake, would you like to take it with you or will you have it here?”

“I'll have it here please!” Kai smiled at cafe attendent.

“Alright that'll be 7185.81 won.” The attendent spoke, Kai pulled his credit card out of his wallet and payed with it.

“Go ahead and sit down, someone will bring it to you later.”

“Thank you!” Sliding his credit card back into the wallet and letting it drop in his bag. Kai walked to the free table next to the window, with a potted chamaedorea next to the stools. It was his favourite seat in the cafe, he wasn't really a regular but he also wasn't a complete stranger to the cafe staff. He came every once a twice a week, two time in a week, no certain time and date. Just every twice a week, wherein he came twice to the cafe in the week that he did come.

The seat was in a dim lit area, not a lot of sunlight and not a lot of artificial ceiling lighting. But just enough to see what you're doing and enough light for the chamaedorea to obsorb. Kai took it out his notebook and started jutting down some sentences and musical notes along side with it.

When the waiter came with his cake he thanked the man and put his notebook to the side.
“Your coffee will be surved in a second. I just have to get it from the barista.” The waiter grinned at him, Kai noticed a slight change of emotions in the way he spoke. He didn't get what he meant with the slight change of emotions but it didn't seem bad.

“One sweetened expresso ready.”

“Yah! Beomgyu hyung!”

Taehyun-ssi what are you standing there? Go bring the coffee to the customer.”

“Hyung~ you should bring it yourself!” The waiter, Taehyun grinned and pointed at the customer who had ordered the sweetened expresso.
Beomgyu sighed at the younger boy. Taehyun was a new waiter as he only started working here from Tuesday, only 4 days of working here and he's already asking others to do his work.
“Taehyun, you've only worked 4 days till now so don't get lazy and do your work.”

Aishh,, hyunggg!! The customer has been coming every day and constantly staring at you when he isn't scribbling in his note book and when you are too busy with other things!”

“Oh? Who again?”

“That guy by the table next to the window, with a potted chamaedorea next to the stools!” Taehyun explained this time instead of pointing. To which Beomgyu only grinned and said, “Tell him to come get his own coffee.”
“Go on.”

“Um, excuse me sir but can you get your own coffee from the barista?” The waiter uncertainly asked. Kai smiled at him, nodded and got up. Took the latter long enough.

“Hi I'm here to get my sweetened expresso~”

“You almost didn't come this week. Too busy to visit me at work?”

“Sorry,” Kai pouted “but I'm here now~”

“Hmm, c'mere.” Beomgyu pulled the younger by his shirt closer, completely vanishing the distance between them and kissing him. The counter between them wasn't that much in the way as they were both in the height measurements of 180 cm. Some other customers looked at them but immediately looked away. As if it happened everyday. But there was only one person who didn't look away. Absolutely flabbergasted.

“Beomgyu hyung?!?!!????? Why are you kissing a customer??? And you why are you kissing my cafe manager assistant back????!???” Taehyun exclaimed in pure confusion and shock.

Kai pulled away first with a smile and laughed. “Hyung~? You haven't told everyone at your work yet about me hmm?” Beomgyu grinned, “He's only been working for 4 days.”

Beomgyu, the cafe manager assistant —who also worked as a barista—patted Taehyun's shoulder and spoke; “Taehyun, this is Kai, he's my boyfriend. Kai this is Taehyun the new waiter in this cafe.”
Beomgyu happily smiled at the younger ones when he finished introducing them to each other.

707 words

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