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“I got the snacks! Come we gotta go!”

“What? Hyung don't tell me you-”

“Later. We gotta run now!”
Beomgyu took ahold of my hand and we started running.
I'm guessing he stole those snacks.. oh well, I guess I'll come back later and pay..

We arrived at the swings in the park. We sat down, catching our breath.

“Beomgyu hyung! I told you to stop stealing snacks!”

“Heh, sorry~ I won't do it again!”

“That's what you said last time when you stole soda for us-”

“Yeah, yeah it's not like I stole your heart Hyuka, calm down.”
I started to move myself backwards, and jumped back on the swing causing me to typically swing forwards and backwards.

“What does that have to do with something you have to pay?”

“People have to pay attention to those who they want to steal their hearts.”
I turned to my left. Looking at him eating his dried mango chips.

“We wouldn't be friends if you weren't paying attention to me.”

“Yeah. But I don't pay you money to have you.”

“Neither do you pay cashiers for the snacks you steal..”
We stayed silent for the rest of our hangout which was only a minute because Beomgyu hyung had to leave to guitar practice.
As soon as he was gone I stood up to and walked back to the store. I apologized for hyung and payed for the snacks.

-The next day at school-
⟨Huening Kai's pov⟩

I was called to the principal's office, at first I thought he wanted me to run an errand for him as I was in the school's student council but now that I stepped a foot inside I saw it was hyung again.

“Good afternoon Huening Kai.”

“Good afternoon Mr.Lim”
I replied, bowing slightly, sitting next to Beomgyu hyung.

“You might be wondering why your here with, well your troublemaking friend here is the reason. I've decided you'll look after him during his detention today. Why you may ask? Because I know when he's with a teacher he'll trick the teacher in letting him go. But I trust you in keeping him in there till the hour is over.”

“Just an hour? But I thought you have to stay two hours in detention?”

“That is indeed true but I didn't want to trouble you too much.” Mr.Lim answered. I nodded standing up and taking ahold of hyung's arm and dragging him to detention.

“Goodbye mister Lim”

–In detention –

“Hyung. What did you do this time?”
I sat on the teacher's desk infront in the room. Glaring at Beomgyu who just sat down at a random desk on the room.

“Nothing serious.”

“Beomgyu. I'm asking as someone in the student council not as your friend.”

“I know. But it's nothing serious I just told you.”

“Beomgyu, hyung. Just tell me what you did, please?”
He was constantly looking at his hands which were on the desk. But now he looked up, meeting my gaze.

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