14. Pain

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( Kiara's Pov. )



       Pain. I let Tartarus hurt me as I fail everytime I tried to get out of the Labyrinth every Greek Delta that I tried to touch never open up.

       I ventured through another tunnel as a Lastryonian chase me and my spear Tartarus had it I don't know why he had know about the word I need to say in able to lift the spear but now it's somewhere in the Labyrinth and if I find it before this Lastryonian catch up with me I'll out of here.

      I don't know on how many days or weeks or maybe it was months that I was here snarl I look behind me and saw the Lastryonian gaining at me I pick up my phase as I tried to lose it by going left to right to right then left then right again.

          I stop panting to listen ..... And I heard nothing I lean to the side letting my back to slide on a sitting position leaning at the wall I breath heavily looking around on where I end up.

      I close my eyes for a second before standing up and continuing through the three tunnels I see a dim light of purple at the third tunnel I quickly got to that tunnel.

        Walking quietly through the tunnel as I reach the end of it and I let out a groan as Morpheus was at the exit before I could even run back to the entrance I feel him pulling my hair I let a shriek as I was pull to the middle of tunnels.

          "Cousin nice seeing you here" Morpheus greet as he pull his sword out of his sheath I back to the wall as he corner me he lunged his sword at my chest I dodged quickly side-stepping him as I run to the entrance of the tunnel.

        As I was running I hear something I look behind as I run and saw Morpheus throwing knives at me I quickly got to the other tunnels I cried in pain as one of the knives stab itself at the back of my knee.

          "Princess let's play" I heard I pick up my pace as I limp to the dark tunnel I heard footsteps behind me I groan as I feel a dagger being peirce at my back the tunnel lit up and in front of me was Morpheus smirking.

          "Oh, Kiara don't worry you won't die your immortal" he laughed lunging his sword at my chest that was already bleeding from Tartarus stab earlier I stumble at the damp ground lying down the ground.

        My vision blurred as I feel the sword deepen it self to my chest before it tugged out I feel a hard object hit my head as I blacked out.


( Zeus' Pov. )

       I open my eyes tears grace them as I awoke from another nightmare that I saw Kiara in I really wonder if she was there if she's really getting hurt by those Titans.

       "Zeus, you alright?" I clench my jaw as I blink back my tears as I face Hera "yeah, I'm fine just a vision I need to talk to Athena" I said standing opening my door and walking through the halls of Olympus to find her.


         "Athena can I asked you a question?" I asked she look to me and give a small nod I sigh quietly as I let my arms dangle to the side of my throne "Do you know Kiara?" I asked silently.

       She let out a loud sigh "Last I saw her was when we fought them at the mountain then he took her" she explained my eyes widen "You saw her meet her?!" I asked increduviously she nod.

        I close my eyes but her still limp form welcome my subconscious I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose to calm me down.

Lost Goddess (Sea Of Monsters,Greece To Rome)// PJO/HOO Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now