24. Play with Fire

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( Kiara's Pov. )

       I groan as my vision focus I looked around and saw Leo hiding behind Festus I stand up and move to him "what happen?" I asked "giants took them" I look to him confused "you mean cyclopes?" I questioned as I see one of them heading in the wearhouse he nod.

        "C'mon" I gestured we went inside I hide behind a huge bolder as I saw Jason and Piper hanging up the chains in the ceiling and the Cyclopes starting a campfire I look behind me and saw one of the cyclope heading to Leo "watch out" I said he look behind him and without warning his body set on fire I smirk and manipulated some of the fire to me as the cyclope burst to dust.

        "Let's play with Fire" I said to Leo he nod and conjure fire from his hands we walk over the other three cyclopes that was lowering an unconscious Piper down their campfire "Hey pea brain why don't you respect your superiors" I greet I hit the fireball to one of them to make them lose their hold at Piper's chains Leo get to her and untie her chains and place her on the ground.

       The other cyclopes charge at me as the but as they got close they turn to dust I smirk and manipulated the wind to get me up to Jason I untie his chains letting him fall to a sitting position "sorry" I say to him as I help him up "no problem" Jason replied Piper woke up "we should get out" she said standing up we all head back to Festus.

      I climb to it's neck as Leo encourage him to fly to Chicago we all got back to the sky heading to Chicago.

Lost Goddess (Sea Of Monsters,Greece To Rome)// PJO/HOO Book 2 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora