17. An Impossible Obstacles

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( Kiara's Pov. )

           I fluttered my eyes open "Good your awake" I instantly connected my fist to his face making his nose crack "woah, easy their princess" Tartarus greet as he see what I've done to Morpheus nose "Oh, dear me she is fiery" someone say behind me I face her "Geia?" I questioned looking at my grandmother.

          "See here my daughter she help us to set this and you can't use the powers that your 'helper' only this dagger" Kronos/Luke said throwing a dagger to that I caught through my peripheral vision I look around holding my  dagger at hand as I see an impossible obstacles course four rings of fire straight to a sphinx,two cyclops a long way of walls that can make me fall in poison of course it wouldn't affect me but still the liquid is disgusting and lastly after that climbing wall a Lastryonian was guarding my spear.

         I clenched my jaw "you can start at anytime but I suggested now" Kronos/Luke grinned I sigh and stared at the four rings of fire I smirk and manipulated the fire out of the way as I go through the rings I stop in front of the Sphinx "ποιος είναι ο γρίφος σου;" I asked.

   {What is your riddle?}

    "Σου έχω τρεις γρίφους κυρία μου" the Sphinx replied

{I got three riddles for you my lady}

     I nod respectfully "Όσο περισσότερο παίρνεις, τόσο περισσότερα αφήνεις πίσω σου. Τι είναι? The sphinx questioned "Βήματα" I answered the sphinx gave me a agreeing nod.

      {The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they? Footsteps}

        "Τι μπορεί να τρέχει αλλά να μην περπατάει ποτέ, έχει στόμα αλλά δεν μιλάει ποτέ, έχει κεφάλι αλλά δεν κλαίει ποτέ, έχει κρεβάτι αλλά δεν κοιμάται ποτέ;" the sphinx questioned "Ενα ποτάμι." I answered simply.

{What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? A river.}

   "Και τελευταίο Τι αγαπά ο άνθρωπος περισσότερο από τη ζωή, μισεί περισσότερο από το θάνατο ή τη θανάσιμη διαμάχη; Αυτό που επιθυμούν οι ικανοποιημένοι άνθρωποι. Οι φτωχοί έχουν, οι πλούσιοι απαιτούν. ο τσιγκούνης ξοδεύει, ο σπάταλος σώζει και όλοι οι άνθρωποι κουβαλάνε στους τάφους τους;" the sphinx questioned I tilted my head to the side in slight confusion "Τίποτα" I answered the sphinx stepping to the side to let me past and face the two cyclops.

{What does man love more than life, hate more than death or mortal strife; that which contented men desire; the poor have, the rich require; the miser spends, the spendthrift saves, and all men carry to their graves? Nothing}

      As soon as the Cyclops step closer to me getting ready to attack by their clubs but they both burst into dust I sigh as I climb the climbing wall climbing up was much easier than down I jump down I look to the sidelines where all of them are staring shock at me I smirked and make my way to Lastryonian "Mănâncă-mă" I challenged as I make my plan.

{Eat me}

       As soon as I entered the Lastryonian digestive system I quickly stabbed with my dagger lace with Chimera's poison it spit me out before bursting to dust I look at myself disgusted as I stood up getting my spear "Timpul este prețios, nu-l pierde" and I lift up the spear through the Greek Delta it shone blue and open up.

{Time is precious don't waste it}

    "Bye" I wave to them as I go through the exit emerging on the shore of Atlantic.

Lost Goddess (Sea Of Monsters,Greece To Rome)// PJO/HOO Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now