Definitely a Setup

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"Hey!! Abigail! I have someone I want you to meet!"  I hear my best friend call out to me.

I turned to the redhead with a smile. "If it's another man I'm gonna have to nope right out of that Danneel, I love you but no"

"Oh come on! You'll love him" Danneel smiles.

"Fine! This is the last time though!"


I roll my eyes and follow Danneel.


We walked up to her Ex-Husband, Danneel smiling brightly as usual.

"Jensen! This is Abigail, Abby, this is Jensen" she grins.

"Nice to finally meet you" Jensen smiles.

"Likewise," I say politely.

Jensen and Danneel had divorced about a year ago, Jensen started working more and it was causing tension between the couple so they decided it best to go their separate ways and Danneel had been trying to set me up with him since a month after the divorce was finalized. They are still great friends and the kids spent an equal amount of time with their parents.

Hi, my name is Abigail if you hadn't guessed, everyone calls me Abby. I moved to Texas about two years ago. Danneel and I met at the brewery actually, which is where I've been working, Danneel hired me. I know, I've been working for The Jensen Ackles and had never bothered to figure out what his name was for two years.


Jensen and I actually hit it off, he was a very nice and down-to-earth type of man, we went for a walk around the property of the brewery and got to know each other a bit more.

"I'm thinking Danneel is trying to set us up" I state after about twenty minutes of us walking and talking.

"Oh I know she is, I asked her to" Jensen smirks.

"No, you didn't," I say, having seen right through him.

"No I didn't, but this is definitely a setup" Jensen chuckles.


Little did I know, that setup worked like a charm, within three months Jensen moved me out of my run-down apartment and into his gorgeous home and just in time too, my lease was almost up. Our relationship caught on fast and it was extremely nerve-wracking for me, I decided to sleep in the guest room for the time being because once we officially moved in together it became a little awkward and I didn't want to upset the children in any way.

We were doing good so far but it felt like a first-time relationship even though we have both been in previous relationships, but will see how it goes.

If you wanna follow along in our relationship then continue reading!!

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