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As soon as Jensen and Abigail got to their hotel, Jensen took her to bed, kissing her lips, her cheeks, her forehead and her neck.

They got down to their underwear, Jensen was over Abigail, holding her in place but he still made sure she had enough wiggle room if she wanted him to stop, he had his face buried in her neck when she gently pushed on his chest. 

"What's wrong?" Jensen asks, panting ever so slightly.

"I-I can't..." Abigail whispers.

"Okay, that's okay" Jensen smiles softly and kissing her forehead before moving off of her.

"I'm sorry" Abigail whispers with tears in her eyes.

"Why are you sorry? Never be sorry for not being ready"

"But it's our wedding night..."

"Okay, and? What does that have to do with anything?"

"We have to do it on our wedding night"

"No you don't, my parents didn't do it on their wedding night, I was convinced in the bed of a pick up two years after they were married and that was their first time together" Jensen had never wanted to know how he was conceived but he was happy he did in this moment.

"So you're not mad?"

"No, absolutely not! When you're ready, come to me and even if we get halfway into it and you want to stop, tell me and we'll stop"

Abigail nods but she still feels bad, Jensen had been waiting for two and a half years for her to be ready but she still isn't.



"Are you sure it's okay... I can try harder, you're been waiting two and a half years"

"Yes Baby, I'm sure... I'm not going to force anything on you, especially this and I don't want you to force yourself into it either. It doesn't bother me in the slightest to wait."

"Doesn't it hurt? Like after a bit?" Abigail asks.

"No, if it hurts then I need to seek medical help right away. Who told you that it hurts?" Jensen asks.

"When I was with my ex he would get himself off on my bed and it made me uncomfortable so I told him to stop and he told me that it hurts if he doesn't take care of it... I told him to go to the bathroom and do it if he was that desperate..."

"Okay, good on you for telling him how you felt but he was either trying to get you to sleep with him or he got off on you being uncomfortable and was a complete idiot. It does not hurt at all, it's a bit uncomfortable with tighter boxers on but no, if anyone tells you that they need to either seek medical help or they need to be kicked between the legs"

Abigail nods softly and sits up, looking for her shirt. Jensen knew what she was looking for and remember she'd had a dress on and he'd had a suit on so he reached over and grabbed his dress shirt off the floor and handed it to her.

"What about you?"

"Baby I've been naked in front of more people than I can count, I'll be okay" Jensen smiles.

Abigail smiles slightly as she puts the shirt on and lays back down, covering up with the comforter on the bed.

"I love you" Jensen whispers.

"I love you too"

With that, the couple fell asleep in each other's arms.


The rest of the week, the couple spent most of their time in their room, Abigail had her first alcoholic drink which was half of a screwdriver from the gas station down the street. On their last day, Jensen rented out the beach and the couple spent their last day there, they had a photographer come out for three hours and took all sorts of pictures and the rest of the time was just them walking along the water, talking.


Once the couple got back to their room, Abigail couldn't keep her eyes off Jensen, he could tell she wanted to say something but she didn't know how.
Jensen asked if she was one and her face flushed with a bright red color.

"I think I'm ready" Abigail whispers and that's all Jensen needed to hear.

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