Officially Meeting

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The next day, Jensen had to run over to the brewery for a little bit and when he got home Abigail was no where to be found. "Abby? Honey, where are you?" He calls out, no answer. "Abigail!!" Still getting no answer Jensen starts to panic a little bit. He walks upstairs and into his bedroom where he had left Abby asleep earlier that morning thinking "Maybe she's still asleep" and just as he thought, she was still sound asleep. He lets out a sigh of relief and lays down almost on top of her, sliding his arms under her back and shoulders.

Jensen starts gently kissing Abigail's face all over. The only reaction he got was a groan and his face being pushed away.

"Baby, I'm going to get your sister from the airport, do you wanna come?"

"No, I wanna sleep" Abigail slurs.

Jensen chuckles softly and kisses her forehead, letting her sleep. He leaves a note on the night stand that reads.

"Hey Baby, I'm headed to get your sister, I woke you up but you wanted to sleep so if I'm not here when you wake, you'll know where I am. I love you.


And with that he left.


Jensen snagged Avangeline's number from Abigail's phone and sent her a message.

(Jen) "Hey, it's Jensen. I'm in the black 67 Impala, they won't let me in to wait so I parked as close to the building as possible"

*20 minutes later*

(Ava) "Okay, I just got off the plane so it may be a second before I can get out to you"

(Jen) "Okay, no worries"


Jensen had now been waiting 45 minutes and he started to doze off a bit when he got a text from Abigail.

(Abby) "These came in today😍😍"

(Abby) "These came in today😍😍"

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