Clearing Things Up

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A couple days later when Abigail woke up, she found a tray of food on the bed with a note that read.

"Eat this and come downstairs.


Naturally, Abigail done as told, there was food involved but when she went downstairs she instantly regretted it.

"What's he doing here?" She asks, shooting daggers at Jensen.

"I wanna clear things up" Jensen says softly.

"I don't want to see you?" Abigail states.

"Baby, please..."

"I'm not your Baby anymore, you already screwed that up"

And with that Jeffrey leaves the room, letting the pair talk.

"What do you want me to do? Do you want me to say "Okay, I was wrong"? Okay then, I was wrong! I was wrong for yelling at you! I was wrong for not letting you talk! I was wrong for automatically assuming you told them that! But I've got the police knocking on my door trying to find you and now my kids aren't allowed to be around me all because of that stupid article! All I need is for you to help me clear this up and then if you want to leave, then fine! Leave but I need you right now! If you truly didn't say that then you would at least help me get my kids back!" Jensen says, tears streaming down his face.

"Fine, I'll help you but then I never want to see you again. I don't want to see you, I don't want to see Danneel and you both can take that job and shove it! And never contact me again! I woke up with Danneel trying to justify why you said what you said! I'm not gonna be in a relationship where your ex wife is telling me what to do! I love Danneel to death and she's been there for me through thick and thin when my sister couldn't be but I can't deal with that! Not again! I've gone through it once with a past relationship and come to find out he was still fooling around with his ex"

"Abby, you know I wouldn't do that"

"I know but what I don't know is why you wouldn't hear me out! You believed the article before you even gave me a chance to say anything!!"

"I know! And I'm sorry! Okay?! Jeez!! Why can't you accept that! I screwed up!!! Do I need to get down on my knees and kiss your feet to show you how sorry I am?!"

"No, don't touch me. I will help you clear this up and then I'm gone... end of story" Abigail states.


Two weeks later Abigail and Jensen were on a live interview, Abigail was as nervous as ever but she was determined to help Jensen for the kids.

"So, you guys are here about this article?"

"Yes" Jensen nods.

"Okay, now I have a couple questions before you start your statement"

"Okay, go ahead" Jensen states.

"Despite these allegations, are you two still together? Because I'd image this would cause some strife between you two"

"Yes, we're still together... We argued, said some things we didn't mean, I left for a few days to cool off but we worked through it" Abigail says before Jensen had a chance to say anything.

"And, what are your thoughts on all this Miss North?"

"I never said this, I don't know where this came from but as I and everyone else knows, Jensen wouldn't have even done it if I'd asked him to. The past nine months have been absolutely wonderful, I've been at my absolute happiest with Jensen, and this article did cause a fight and it took a lot out of me because I've loved this man since the day I met him, and I still do, with every ounce of me being and never in a million years did I expect something like this to happen, I guess when dating a movie star, you've gotta keep an eye on it. But again, I didn't say this and whoever did needs to get their attitude in check quickly because you caused this man to not be able to see his children until he could prove himself innocent. This article says "an anonymous source tells us" so thank you anonymous source for nearly ruining this poor man's life. He didn't deserve that and I truly hope you can find something that makes you happy so you stop writing this stuff about innocent people. I've found multiple articles from the same studio that accuse men of the same thing and I won't stand for it, even if I have to shut the whole studio down to get the right person. I will put an end to this. Ya know, I worked as a journalist for a short period of time but I did learn a lot of things... such as "if you're gonna say something bad about a celebrity, make sure you put "anonymous source on it" and other neat little tips and tricks like that. And oddly enough, I was a journalist for the Texas Outlet when I learned that from my boss so watch out, because I'm coming for you" Abigail says with confidence before walking off stage.

"Well, you heard it here first folks... Miss North will take care of this problem if it's the last thing she does! I think this company has tangoed with the wrong person so look out Texas Outlet! She's coming for you!" The news anchor states.

"And she won't back down" Jensen states before taking his leave.


Jensen walked up to Abigail, never touching her but just looking at her. "So... You didn't break up with me?" He asks.

"I never actually said those words did I?"

"Not that I recall... you said something more along the lines of "all you men are the same" or something like that"

"I'm sorry about that..."

"It's okay, I needed to hear it to realize I was in the wrong" Jensen smiles softly. "So... Did uh... Did you mean what you said?" He asks.

"About shutting them down? Yes absolutely"

"No, the other thing... the you loving me and all"

Abigail sighs and looks up at Jensen. "When have I ever said something I didn't mean?"

"Well... a couple times you have... or at least you said you didn't mean to" Jensen states, earning a small smile from Abigail.

"Yes, I've loved you since I met you and I still do love you but Jensen... that hurt... a lot"

"I know... and I'm sorry, I wish I could take back what I said..." Jensen sighs.

"You don't have to but I at least need you to prove you can trust me more than that"

"If you come home and give us another shot I'll do my best to make it up to you"

"You know I'm gonna hold you to that right?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way" Jensen smiles.

Abigail chuckles softly as she leans up to kiss Jensen softly and Jensen happily returns the kiss before he practically drags her out of the studio and takes her home...

~~The End ~~

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