The Week pt. 3

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Day 5

The next day, Jensen woke up alone. He knew where Abigail was instantly so he didn't worry too much.

"So, Ava got here Sunday night and today is Friday... soooo two more full days and she goes home Sunday night" Jensen says to himself, trying to think of what to do with Abigail after Avangeline leaves, he's letting Danneel have an extra week with the kids since she's been working more than normal and he wanted to do something with Abigail.

"Ah man! And tonight we're doing a barbecue with him, he's dying to meet Abby... I forgot all about that... Dang Jensen you're losing your grip"


"So guys! As most of you know, I have been attending two online colleges one specializes in mental health and the other specializes in child development and teaching and as none of you know! I just graduated both of them and I got my certificates today! The mental health one has been a long road, but I am now a licensed psychiatrist and I'm a teacher... and I start teaching this coming school year, they're starting me in elementary and I'll be with Jj so I'm really excited for that." Abigail explains. Abigail had been live-streaming all morning, she was giving a life update like she normally does every three months.

She starts to say something else but the door opens, cutting her off. 

"I'm sorry I know you're streaming but can I sit with you for a bit" Jensen nearly whispers, he had tears in his eyes, his face was red and he seemed short of breath.

"Yes, of course Baby" Abigail says softly, she could tell he'd either had a panic attack or was about to, so as he walked over to her she scoots her chair out and he sits on the floor in front of her on his knees, he wraps his arms around her bad and lays his head on her stomach. "Hang on just a second guys" She says, before muting her mic.

"What happened Baby?" Abigail asks, running her fingers through Jensen's hair.

"I was trying to get everything planned out for the day and I forgot that my one friend is coming over tonight to meet you and I had to add it in and I got overwhelmed" Jensen explains trying to focus on his breathing.

"It's okay, I got you" Abigail says softly. "Do you remember what we talked about the other morning?" She asks.

"Which part?"

"When we decided that it was bad for you to try and work everything out right after you wake up?"

"Yeah... I know... I've been counting down the days for your sister to go home" This caused Abigail to laugh out loud.

"Too much in your space?" Abigail asks.

"Yeah... I don't mean to be rude but I'm not used to having guests this long"

"I know, we just got two days though" Abigail says softly, kissing Jensen's forehead. Jensen closed his eyes and leaned into her touch.


Abigail finished her stream up and then her and Jensen started prepping for the barbecue.

"What are you two doing?" Avangeline asks. "Or more precisely... what have you two been doing? I haven't seen you all day! Y'all ain't been messing around have you?! Oh my gosh!! You guys have a guest!!"

"You're not a guest Avangeline... You're family at this point" Jensen states. "But if you must know, no we haven't been "messing around" we've been in Abby's recording room, she was streaming" Jensen informs.

"Uh huh... sure"

Jensen clenches his jaw and looks over at Abigail. "Hey Ava, why don't you go read a book or watch tv J-"  Before Abigail could finish, Avangeline cut her off. "Because I don't want to" She states, this set a flame under Abigail instantly, not only does she hate being interrupted, she could feel the anxiety and anger radiating off Jensen.

"I was not finished! I don't care what you do or don't want to do, you need to leave the room because if you cause Jensen to have a panic attack you'll be going home early!" Abigail snaps, not really realizing it until Jensen grabbed her arm. She quickly takes a deep breath to calm herself and looks over to Avangeline.

"I'm sorry...  Please leave the room" Abigail says in a much calmer tone, Avangeline quickly done so and went to the room she'd been staying in.

"I'm sorry Jensen... I didn't mean to do that..." Abigail says with tears in her eyes.

"It's okay... I just didn't expect that to come from you..." Jensen whispers, he never looked Abigail in the eyes, something he normally done when he was anxious. Abigail wrapped her arms around Jensen and suggested he reschedule the barbecue, he quickly agreed and as soon as he regained composure he called his friend and explained everything.

Abigail took Jensen upstairs and put him in a nice warm shower before going to finish prepping everything, they had decided on Sunday evening before Avangeline leaves to go home.

Jensen hadn't been having much trouble with his anxiety but on the days he did it got bad, and today was one of those days. The rest of the day, he took his time to detox, and he even spent some time in prayer, alongside Abigail. 

Day 6
(This one will be short)

Saturday, the last night Avangeline will be in Texas for a while. As reliving as it was to Jensen, he had to admit he would miss his sister-in-law to be. So he took the girls out, bought them both what they wanted and took them to lunch and dinner before they headed back home. 

Stolen Hearts Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora