The Week pt. 2

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Day 3

The next morning when Abigail woke up, it was just her and Jensen.

Jensen was awake already, he had been for a while.

"Where are the kids?" Abigail asks.

"They're back with Danneel, our back up got in last night and told Danneel to stay home and spend time with the kids" Jensen explains.

"Good" Abigail smiles, snuggling into Jensen's chest. "I'm really happy I agreed to this"

"Agreed to what?" Jensen asks.

"Sleeping in your bed... it's comfy and you're warm... and you smell good... The beds almost too high but it's still comfy"

Jensen chuckles softly, as he kisses Abigail's head. "I'm happy you agreed to it too, this bed is too big for one man"

"I'd love to have a bed this big all to myself" Abigail smiles.

"Next month you will for a little bit... I've gotta travel for work" Jensen informs.

"Where are you going?"

"California, and Florida, two weeks each"

"Eeeww... that's so far away..."

"I know, if I could take you I would but I don't think it would be very appropriated because the producers are paying everything in full, plus we're getting a bonus because we're gonna be "on the clock" for a month straight... day and night"

"Oh wow, talk about a big paycheck"

"Yeah, one I still have to pay taxes on"

"Well yeah but... Yeah I got nothing... I don't make enough to have to pay in but I've also got the company taking out quite a bit so I get quite a bit back and then whatever I make on YouTube goes into an emergency savings account and I don't really have much to file with that, I had to pay like $50 I think this year and last with that"

"That's not bad but when your platform gets bigger you'll have to pay more"

"The only reason I had to pay in is because I don't know how to get all that stuff taken out automatically... I'm not even sure if I can"

"And all you had to pay was $50?"

"I think that's what it was... I only made $500 on it both this year and last... it doesn't pour in like everyone thinks it does... if you google me my estimate is $5,000 a year but it's nowhere near that..."

"Huh... that's weird but then again the estimates are usually higher than what they really are"

Abigail starts to say something but there was then a loud banging at the door.

"Abby! Come on let's go somewhere!! I've been in this house for two days now!!"

"Coming" Abigail calls back as she slowly gets out of bed, taking her time to get ready.


"Is it okay if we go out?" Abigail asks as she walks downstairs where Jensen and Avangeline were talking.

Stolen Hearts Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora