Insert something witty here.

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"Darling, I fancy you."- Taylor Swift from London Boy

There was a new kid at Francoise Dupont, who was a familiar name to some people at Francoise Dupont. Specifically, Adrien and Marinette ever since that incident that got some of the students to fall under Shadow Moth's control. First impressions stick, and his first impression wasn't the best to say the least.

"Okay class, today we welcome a new student here in this class. I expect you to treat him nicely, like how you treat all your classmates right now," said Ms. Bustier, the highly optimistic teacher. 

"Should she really be saying that, when Chloe is here?" Remarked Alix, who was in earshot of Chloe who gave her a brief glare. However, Ms. Bustier either didn't hear her, or just decided to not do anything. Sometimes Alix really hated her seating arrangement, that she has to listen to Chloe all day long.

A boy walked in with slicked hair, and an odd amount of similarity to Adrien. He looked more stern, cold even, and bored. He also donned a black vest, and a white dress shirt, along with a black tie to go with the suit. Such a formal outfit surprised some of the students. He looks like he majored in business. Marinette noticed Adrien's eye's slightly light up when he walked in. She didn't know it, but Adrien was hoping to mend his rocky relationship with his cousin.

"This is Felix Graham de Vanily, he's the cousin of your friend Adrien here," said the teacher who was placed her hand on the back Felix, to which he shoved it off. He also showed signs of disgust when she said he was the cousin of Adrien. Did he not want to be associated with him? Eventually, Felix walked up next to Ivan, and took seat, while eyes followed him. He could see people turn heads to get a better look at him. Like he was an animal at the zoo, he was not pleased.

Everyone stared at him, but Chloe, who paid him no mind. She simply took one look at him and decided that was enough. It was as if his icy demeanor shut her up, or she already knew him. The latter was true, although the first option could definitely be true too. 

Felix's eyes caught those of Adrien's, and he simply looked away. Everything about him seemed monotone, even Nino felt a tad scared to approach him.

"That's your cousin?" Whispered Nino, just so Adrien can hear.

"He's much different from you, like the complete opposite."

"Well, he's a good person, and I'm sure he'll warm up to you all," Adrien said while his eyes unconsciously moved towards Marinette, but only for a brief moment, before the teacher started talking.

 Felix snuck a peak at the pigtailed girl he recognized from the video who expressed her love for his cousin, and he sneered. Adrien has a ton of fans; it was likely she was one of them. He couldn't help, but noticed how she looks at him, and she does that a lot. Too bad she was just like the others. Honestly, he pitied her a little bit. How cruel this must be for her, because falling feels like flying to the crush. He bets that she has many pictures of him on her wall, in which he shudders at the thought of walls filled with his cousin's face. Oh, what horrible home decor.

It wasn't too long before Felix snapped out of his thoughts, and decided to look elsewhere than his cousin, that his eyes drifted to in disgust.

What Felix was unaware of, was Lila staring right at him. Adrien was an easy target, but him would be harder, she was sure. Although, she prides herself in acting, but this could take some time. Her smile tries to widen in anticipation, but she hides it. No, I can't laugh yet, I got to hold it in. 

After many classes, differing from person-to-person lunch was available, and Marinette was more than happy, until this happened.

"Oouf!" Exclaimed Marinette, it didn't hurt, but it was just a reaction. She could compare it to when she was playing video games with her father and says ow when she gets dealt damage. All of her food spilled on her clothes, and the person she looked at was Felix. She could swear his eye twitched a little, which was of the few expressions he showed so far. After that it was completely monotone, with a hint of annoyance. Although, it was probably more than just a hint.

"Watch where you're going," Felix says, while internally wondering if her clothes could be able to be fixed. It seemed like such a good design, and he doesn't know where it's from. Part of him wants to ask, I mean his mom wanted him to make friends, which was a big part in him going to public school.

"Well, you bumped into me!" She exclaimed animatedly, although she wasn't sure whose fault it is. 

"Hmmm, no." Was all he said when he said, and then walked away to get a new tray liked nothing happened. Although, he did look back at her heavily stained clothes, and back at his sleeve which contained some food, much to his dismay. Leaving the girl's mouth wide open and having to clean up herself.

"Can you believe him Tikki?!" Whisper-shouted Marinette in the bathroom who was luckily brought a spare change of clothes. 

"Maybe he doesn't know social cues that well." Says the optimistic Kwami, who was currently trying to console Marinette, but to no avail. 

"If Adrien were here, he would say something like take the high-road and give him another chance," Marinette said bitterly, while hoping no one was there.

Tikki's eyes were full of pity for Marinette, and so she tried to console her by nuzzling up to her, which brought a smile to Marinette's face. While they were having a moment, a girl walked inside the bathroom, and then out upon hearing Marinette talk to seemingly no one.

Little did Marinette know that this was the start of something very special.

(Author's note) 

I'm sorry this chapter was so short, but I'm writing this at 11:17, and trying to upload a cover, but to no avail, there will be more chapters in the near future. Bye you lovely people, and I hope you have a nice day. Also you look really awesome today, did you know that?

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