Daylight(real chapter I swear)

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"Luck of the draw only draws the unlucky, and so I became the butt of the joke"- Daylight by Taylor Swift.

"What happened," said Sabine who had sat Marinette down. She was serious, and staring directly into Marinette's eyes.

"I-I We-Well," Marinette couldn't place it into words in fear her mother wouldn't trust her speech. Her father looked at Marinette in pity, and Marinette didn't know what to do. So, she told the whole story from top to bottom. Except for the part where she was Ladybug and called out Lila, of course. She told her parents about Lila's promise in the bathroom where Lila had threatened her. She told her parents about the how Lila went out of her way to make Marinette miserable, while her friends basked in blissful ignorance. She told them about everyone believed oh innocent and perfect little Lila over her.

"I understand," said Sabine which shocked Marinette, "something similar happened when I was around your age."

"Did it get better," Marinette asked with hope fluttering in her eyes.

"Yes, with help. You should've told me earlier about Lila." Her parents with sitting on the opposite side of Marinette, and looking right into her eyes which were red and puffy. Her hands with fidgety, and Marinette tried her best not to look her parents in their eyes. Like a guilty toddler, except she's not the guilty one.

Sabine shot Marinette her characteristic comforting smile. While Marinette felt a dash of hope flying by, a flash of Daylight.

Marinette hide back a smile, with all that was happening she couldn't seem to catch a break. 

"Why didn't you tell us before."

"I-I didn't want to burden you, a-and I was trying to take the high road and ignore it," Marinette said, as much highroad as she wanted to take she longed to talk to someone about this.

"What high road? This isn't the high road, Marinette. This was hurting you, this IS hurting you." Sabine's voice starting to raise and quicken.

"I-I," Marinette stuttered out,  but she was cut of by her mother who said,

"No, I shouldn't raise my voice at you."

"Marinette, we'll always be here for you," her father chimed in while placing his hand on Marinette's shoulder, "don't ever forget that."

"I understand what you're feeling, Marinette, but you shouldn't have to shoulder this alone."

"I-I know, but Adrien knows too."

"He does?", Sabine furrowed her brows, "well what did he do about?"

Marinette was at a complete lost of words. Nothing, he did nothing. Marinette looked down at her hands which were currently fidgeting. 

"N-Nothing that I know of," she said after a long period of silence.

Her mother just held Marinette's hand, and pulled her into a hug. Her father covered the two of them, while Marinette cried to her heart's content. She could finally cry.


"FELIX!" Yelled his mother. She bombarded him with affection, and then took out some glitter that was stuck in her hair. Felix took out some pieces of glitter from his clothes too, while unfazed. He was honestly used this mess, and her affection. He looked behind her to see a corner filled with glitter and fabric. Probably her project that she was working on.

"Sooo, how was your second day and a school," she said teasingly, although there was nothing really to tease. Or at least nothing that Felix thought really concerned him.

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