Cellar Door

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Hey kids, spelling is fun- Me! by Taylor Swift

After Felix finds his way to back to the lunchroom, he notices that Marinette was nowhere in his sight. It's not my problem anyway. 

Felix walks back to his lone table, and as sad as it might've looked, he liked in that way. Apparently, people were also scared of him. It might be because Nino called him Ice King, and even on the first day it stuck. No matter, this will only do him good. It wasn't until he started to take a bite that he noticed Marinette rushing in, following after Adrien.

 He could see her profusely apologize to her friends, and flinch at Lila. He stopped himself from looking closer than he already was. He caught himself leaning a bit into their conversation and proceeded to beat himself up for eavesdropping.

"I'm SO sorry I wasn't here earlier, I was kind of shaken up after the akumatization, things came up, I kind of tripped. Y'know how clumsy I could be, a-and," said the hyperventilating Marinette, but she was cut off by Alya who replied,

"It's fine girl, we get it, you can just come site down, also don't forget you owe some of your bakery's food."

Marinette sighed in relief, but as her gaze ended up on Lila who was intensely glaring daggers at her, she flinched. Soon after she was worrying if anybody saw, after all she has to take the highroad, like Adrien said. 

"It's quite fine Marinette," said the ever so calm Lila, "It happens to the best of us, but it does concern me how late you always are, is there anything going on?

"U-uh, well um, no," struggled out Marinette, which only received a sly smirk and an eyebrow raise from Alya. What did that even get from Lila, why would she feel the need to ask that? Why is she smirking like she won? Take the highroad, Marinette. Take the highroad.

All her thoughts were coming in all at once, that last part being in Adrien's voice. Marinette looked back at Lila who was just eating her salad, as if nothing happened. It scared Marinette, she scared Marinette. The psychological power she holds over her classmates, like a puppeteer. I wonder if I should just yell at Adrien and say she is harming people, but that'd only ruin my chances with Adrien. Then we won't have a house, a hamster, and three chi-

"I was just wondering, if you've met my friend Ladybug, because you're so late," said Lila who interrupted Marinette's thoughts, and made Alya's ears perk up.

"U-uh no I didn't I told you I just tripped and fell. Haha, yeah that's it I fell," replied Marinette who was seemingly nerves.

"Oh, well what a shame. I was hoping she would talk about her time in Italy, before she came really popular with fighting Akuma attacks, she was actually training with me," said Lila who held her hand upon her chest as if looking back in nostalgia, while Marinette internally cringed.

"Wow you should tell me more about that on the ladyblog!" Exclaimed Alya, who was now not in her seat anymore.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eventually lunch ended, and they had part ways and go to their classes, with some seeing eachthother in the same class. Sadly, Marinette was taking an art class, with Lila. Marinette wanted to improve her art skills, so she can make better clothes. Lila on the other hand takes Marinette mother's classes, and she also probably takes this class to piss off Marinette.

 One thing Marinette despised about Lila was that she was seeping into her life like ink, and just wouldn't go away. Almost like a bloodstain on a white T-Shirt, no matter how hard she scrubbed she couldn't get the Lila shaped stain on her T-Shirt.

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