Announcement 2

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Hello, thank you for choosing Lover from the many books on wattpad. I truly appreciate it, and the face that we're almost at 1k astounds me. I have nine drafts that I can feed you, so by the time you get this message it hopefully would be past that. I'm sorry for the trash posts instead of actual chapters, I'm trying to feed you as much as I can. Writers block sucks and sometimes I'm more caught up in the extra chapters.

I deleted something from here to replace another thing, which is a very short extra chapter.

(Warning not much plot, more banter.)

"Defenestration is a funny word, don't you think," Felix says out of the blue. Currently in Marinette's room while studying chemistry. Marinette's eye bags could hold groceries at this point.

Marinette responds, "What does it mean?"

"It means to throw someone out the window," Felix announces with a completely deadpan voice, however you can see a tad smirk just barely ghosting his face. Marinette, despite being supposed to be studying, is instead doodling dresses on her messy desk.

"Well, did you know that we never stop tasting our tongues," she adds while placing her head on the palm of her hand. She leaned forward to face Felix slightly, and she seems to have woken up more. Though, the eye bas remain visible, and can definitely hold detergent.

"I suppose I knew  that, but I haven't acknowledged it until now."

"How about I taste yours for a change?" Marinette added uncharacteristically and sneakily, as if this was the very first pick up line she uttered. Mostly, because this is the very first pick up line she uttered.

"Did you get that on the internet?"


"How long have you waited to say that?"

"A long time."

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