Extra chapter 5

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This scene is something I might add into the story, with more content and context. It's like an outline for what I want a scene like this would be. A tipping point for when Marinette breaks, and the start of Lila's downfall. 

Marinette frowned.

"I don't understand why you're like this now!" Alya exclaimed with raw rage. Marinette gaped at Alya, their relationship is hanging by a thread. A very small and worn out thread, she might add. Alya exclaimed as if she was hurt, and she was. She just didn't know the entire picture, or didn't bother to see.

The people circled around the scene, with Marinette in shock, and Lila on the floor. 

"Oh my god," someone said.

"Geeze, what the heck Marinette," she heard.

"Cat fight!"

"This is way too much drama for me."

"What did I miss?"

"Oh god."

"You were supposed to take the highroad," Marinette heard. Oh no wait that was her imagination, no one said that. Adrien just gaped at her. He knew what a phony Lila was, but he didn't defend her this time. Probably because this is the first time Lila's gone this far, and Adrien was too oblivious to the other attempts.

Marinette bit her tongue, but Alya raged on.

"We all knew you were into Adrien, but THIS! This is way too far, Marinette. I can hardly recognize you. Y-You You've changed. You've changed so much Marinette! MY GOD, who even are you!"

Adrien defend me, please clear up this misunderstanding. We are on the same team right? We are. You've said that yourself. I've taken the highroad right? You know the truth, I know you know the truth. 

Words raged inside Marinette's head, hundreds of speeches she wanted to throw out to everyone.

"I-I've changed?" Marinette asks, but doesn't want a reply. It was more of a mocking remark than a question,

"Look at you!" Marinette wanted to be careful with her words. She doesn't want to make herself out to be more of a villain then she already looks like.

"Look at all of you! Aside from Alya and Adrien. I've known all of you guys since childhood!" 

Some people looked down, while others stood their ground.

"You didn't see how she was casting me aside, alienating me from you guys! Isn't this fishy, did it not occur to you how many illnesses she has!"

Gears turned in people's heads, and Marinette continued on.

"Although nothing I could say would change your mind! To you, I will always be the good girl turned rotten! To me you would always be the people who betrayed me! And Lila to me would always be a liar and scammer!"

"We'll the cat got the cream, didn't it Lila?! THE CAT ATE THE DANG CANARY. You're satisfied, aren't you." Marinette said with venom.

A/N "Cat got the cream" means someone who is satisfied by something they did. The cat ate the canary means the same basically the same thing. You can look it up if you want to know more.

"We'll this entire conversation is completely pointless. Nothing I say or do would change your mind, nothing you say or do would change mine."

Awkward silence ensued, until one person piped up to everyone's surprise.

"I-uh w-well," Juleka muttered out, to which everybody turned to her in shock.

"I-I think that L-Lila see-seemed may-maybe a l-little fishy?" Juleka became seemingly less uncertainty as she continued talking. I'm fear of what she said was going to cause backlash, that was until Rose said something too.

"Yeah! I mean Marinette doesn't really seem like that type of person, and since the incident with the necklace in Marinette's locker combined with the answer sheet one it seemed off."

"You can't seriously be defending Marinette right? I mean look at Lila,  she's on the floor crying," said Alya.

Everyone turned to Lila who was putting on the best sad face she possible can. Hours of practicing in the mirror better have amounted to something.

"R-Rose, it's not your fault you don't believe me. I mean you've known Marinette for a long time, and I just barged my way in recently being a new-comer. I mean I would be having questions if Inwere you too." Lila said, trying to feign her angel nice girl facade. 

Rose seemed to looks a little guilty, and bit her tongue after that. Rose's mind never changed, but Lila was looking so sad. Like a kicked kitten; the problem about Rose is that even if the world's worse super villain was crying she couldn't bring herself to hurt them. Juleka's eyes seemed to drift to Marinette in sympathy.

"Marinette's right!" Cried out a very sturdy and sure Alix. In opposition to Juleka and Rose, Alix was more confrontational and loud.

Alix walked up to Marinette, and behind her.

"I always thought it was fishy for Lila to know so many people! It was too good to be true." 

Alix was stubborn, so her mind never changes. She was a little bit wary of Lila from the start, and suspicion only grew further. She bit her tongue until now, which was an unusual thing for Alix to do, she just bursted. All that built up tension exploded.


"CAN'T YOU HAVE ANY COMPASSION!" Alya yells out back to Alix.


Meanwhile Juleka slowly stalked up behind Marinette. She kept her eyes down, as she didn't like to be the center of attention. However, everyone's attention was on her. She placed her spot behind Alix, joining Marinette's group. Following behind is Rose who stood besides her girlfriend, Juleka. Rose laced her gentle hand on Marinette's shoulder to comfort her.

Light began to finally show in Marinette's eyes, as hope flashed across her mind. 

Felix showed up, pushing past the crowds of people. He had just come back, and surveyed the scene.

"Tch, this is completely stupid," he said while taking his rightful spot besides Marinette. He avoided eye contact with her, as the tsundere he is. Marinette smiled, and Felix turned his head to catch a glimpse of it.

Aurore pushed through the crowds and to Marinette. Mark who is Marinette's cousin walked behind Marinette too, holding his hand is Nathaniel. Others in different classes that Marinette had helped over time followed.  Lila's castle was crumbling, and Marinette's was rebuilding. For once it was Lila who had brought a knife to a gun fight. 

Marinette smiled.

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