Extra chapter 4

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"You didn't have to do that, Y'know," said Felix.

Marinette was panting, as salty water bursted out of her mouth. The two teens were drenched in cold water. Felix was staring holes in Marinette's ragged and wet clothes, as Marinette had just saved him from death.

"I know," Marinette blurts out in response. They looked around to see if anyone else was watching their interactions. Marinette felt an odd sensation that someone was watching them. Felix pants like a dog, and like dominoes he falls on his knees. He coughed out water, and looked miserable.

"Then why," he demands.

"Why not," replied Marinette with the same amount of vigor before passing out on the warm beach sand. The sand got stuck onto Marinett's face and clothes due to mercilessly icy water. Ivy felt an odd sensation that she was being watched by the same eyes that had pushed her into the water.


"She'll wake up soon," said the doctor who works in Turtle Bay,"although, she will probably be weak. Make sure your friend doesn't do anything that exerts physical energy."

Felix nodded in response. His hand landed on Marinette's scratched cheek. Marinett's bright blue hair shined in the bright light from the window. It looked like a mixture between a blueberry and the night sky.

A brief smile was etched across Felix's face. It soon faded once he realized the dire situation he was in. When did it all start? When did it all begin? How did it end up like this?

"Stay here," said Felix's father. He was a man of a few words, and often left Felix on his own.

"But, you promised we'd go to dinner together," Felix replied with disappointment.

"I know, but this is urgent. More people have been booking stays here at Turtle Resort. Which means more work for me. I'll be here next time, I promise." He was the head chef of Turtle Bay resort, and father of Felix. He said it so coldly though, it could put Felix's usal cold demeanor to shame.

"But, you promised," he muttered out. It fell on deaf ears as her father said,

"Don't talk to strangers, and don't open the door," his father said like he's talking to a toddler. It made Felix's skin icky.

"Alright," he said, but it sounded more like a sigh.

"I won't leave you forever, I'll be back," he said while placing twenty-five dollars into his hand.

Felix watched as the door closed, and eventually retired into his room. A sigh escaped his mouth as he plopped onto the bed with no energy left to spare for anyone.

After a while of resting he goes outside and onto Turtle Bay Beach. He peacefully counts his footsteps on soft sand and sits on the rock while staring at the sea. Felix's veridian eyes landed on an unfamiliar person in the right hand corner of his peripheral vision that seemed to have just walked in.

The girl, whose name is supposedly Marinette, didn't seem to realize he was around, since his image was being obscured by a boulder. He peaked, and saw the new girl at his school. Her parents were famous bakers in Paris and his father knows them. He never looked into it, because it wasn't his place. He assumes they bonded over their culinary knowledge and he invited them here to stay. Or they're here to work on a big upcoming wedding soon.

His father has been working here in America since the divorce of his mother who had recently moved from London to Paris. She had always wanted to move to the "City of Love", and now she did. That left Felix from going from America to France. Although if you ask him, he would definitely prefer Paris with his mother rather than his father. According to the agreement though, his mom took care of Felix the most. Even when he's in a different country she manages to contact him.

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