Extra chapter 3(Bakery AU part 1)

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The playlist above is too good not to share.



This other playlists is too good also not to share.

This is AU where hawkmoth is nonexistent.—————————————————————————————————————————————————

"Alright order for Felix Graham DeVanily," said Marinette with a box of croissants.

A 16 something year old kid walks up to Marinette with a slight smile on his face. Not that he's admit that.

"Thanks," he mutters out.

Record scratch.

You might be wondering, what happened. 

Well, I'm glad you asked.










It all started when the Ice King Felix moved to Paris for his mother's work. He could've accepted Adrien's offer and attend Francis DuPont, however due to the rocky relationship between the two Felix chose the option of attending a nearby private school.

Meanwhile for Marinette her school life turned sour once Lila passed rumors without mercy. It didn't do better that Adrien, like the doormat that he is, told her to take the high road in opposition to Lila's dark motives.

With this current rivalry, Lila has promised Marinette to alienate her friends from her. And, is currently going through with that promise. Marinette tried to give Lila an olive branch, but Lila refused. She had too much pride, and too little consciousness. Her apparent humanity is nonexistent to Marinette, but to her friends she's a saint.

So her social life is shit. 

Her life is shit.

Her school is like riding a bike, except it's on fire. And the street is on fire, and everything is on fire, because she's in hell.

Felix on the other hand, is doing decently well. It's not like he thrives in Paris unlike in London. Nothing really caught his eye right now. His social life barely existing  whatsoever, as he enjoys it to be. He talks to only a few people, but they're not that close.He has no Rose colored glasses, unlike his sunshine boy cousin. Adrien's optimism knows no bounds, and he strongly believes in fate. Felix on the other hand can't agree.

Which is why it's so confusing why after school he goes to a certain pigtail haired girl's bakery in hopes of nothing interesting to happen.

He walks in, with his eyes focused only on his book called Pride and Prejudice. He currently wanted to smack Darcy in the face, but then he was smacked in the face by the image of a familiar looking girl.

"Confession girl?" He mumbled under his breath. The girl who had traded her pigtails for a neat pony tail

"Ah, Hi, do you want to order?" Said Marinette who had snapped Felix out of his temporary daze. 

"U-uh yeah, umm I heard you have great croissants," he said as he pointed to a certain one.

"Yes, here I'll get it for you." She said.

Felix watched as she carefully followed through with what she said. He never thought he would be so entranced by it.

"Here, have a nice day!" Exclaimed the bubbly girl.

Felix's cheeks appeared for some reason to be saturated as he went to grab the neatly covered croissant.

"Thanks," he struggled out.

"No problem, I work here anyways," she said with a smile.

Felix walked out in a stupor, and Marinette simply waved.

Eventually everyday Felix walks into the same bakery, buys the same croissant. However, he comes for the same person, and she stays for him.


"Ah, Hi Felix, would you like your usual?" Marinette blurts out the second Felix entered the establishment. He was lucky there wasn't much people today, so he was alone with Marinette.

"Of course," he said briefly. A smile was carefully etched across his face, and so was Marinette.

"So, how was the fashion show? I haven't seen you around recently."

"It went well, how's the bakery doing?" 

"Oh, same old, same old, but it wasn't the same with you gone," she said, while packing in the croissant.

"D'you miss me?" He said, with a slight flirtatious note. Not that he usually did that though.

"Maybe," she replied as she handed him the same croissant he ordered continuously.

"Well I missed you too, and this croissant," he said a bit more playfully. He leaned over a little, and grabbed the croissant. Their fingers slightly touched, and he felt a spark.

He left with a big smile on his face, while Marinette simply waved.

Felix walked down the street, while hiding his blush with his freshly baked croissant. Marinette always tried to give him the best croissants they had due to her bias for Felix. Not that he had actually caught on, but he was irresistible to her charms. Not that she intended gain Felix's attention. 

Felix was snapped out of his trance once he was halfway to his home. Unlike his uncle, Gabriel's house, Felix's mother decided to pick something smaller and more charming. As expensive as his Uncle's house probably was, it felt cold and unwelcoming. Like a neatly decorated prison, the large halls and unnecessarily long tables brought a sense discomfort to Adrien. It was orderly, although that is actually how Felix likes it, his mother was the exact opposite of him.

She enjoyed something warmer and welcoming, the house was also constantly messy and always in a state of disorganization when Felix was gone.

"Ah, Felix, d'you come back from Marinette's place. Ooh, what happened? Tell me. Tell me!"

His mother bombarded him with her usual excitement, she placed her hands on his shoulders and proceeded to shake

Felix was unfazed, "Nothing happened, mother." He said this in his usual monotone fashion. His face told an entirely different story, as his cheeks looked saturated. His mother smiled at her softened son. It was a great change from when his father had passed.

"Alright, alright, I won't pry," she said, but Felix knew she would totally pry. Or even go to Marinette herself, which had happened once, and Felix did not want to do it again.

Felix's darkened cheeks died down after a dew seconds, and he walked upstairs to enter his room. He then walked to his bed and lied face down into the pillow.

Meanwhile Marinette was still slightly blushing from the interaction while preparing a desert for another costumer.

Authors note: Tell me if you want a part two, I might make the extra chapters into a series on a different wattpad book.

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