That sucks I guess.

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"You can't spell awesome without me"- ME! By Taylor Swift

Marinette walked out of the bathroom, while still angry, but more content than before. Being ladybug means that she has to be in control of her emotions. Although she was slightly fuming that she wasted a part of her lunch time, but she'll manage.

"Hey, Girl!" Exclaimed Alya who was waving excitedly to Marinette. Marinette looked at her and rest of the table until she spotted Lila who was giving her a side eye, and her already bad mood worsened. Keep calm, she thought. If ShadowMoth got to her, who knows what would happen.

"You can share lunch with me," said Alya when Marinette was in her seat, which was sadly next to Lila's. 

"Oh, it's fine I'll just eat after school. I mean my family owns a bakery after all." Marinette said while rubbing the back of her head.

"Nonsense, you need to eat, Girl-"

"You can have some of mine," Lila said while cutting off Alya, but she didn't seem to mind. In fact she seemed elated.

"Although, if I don't eat enough food...I get seizures. However, I'm sure I can spare you some just for your Marinette," Lila said to make herself look like a kind Samaritan, while earning the sympathy of her classmates. It seemed to anger Marinette more as her glare hardened, which was Lila's intention.

"It's fine I'll just eat some of Alya's, and she can have a croissant from my parent's bakery later!" Exclaimed Marinette, but she worried that she said it too quick and loud. Overall the entire ordeal earned a scoff from the dubbed 'Ice King' by Nino himself. Although, it fell on deaf ears, and Marinette ended up eating the lunch from Alya. All while Mylene, the kind fool, was asking Lila if she was alright. To which Lila put on an act to look sad while talking about her made up past. Does she practice this in the mirror or something?  

"One time when I was an Achu doing modeling I had to be on a strict diet, and I eventually had a  horrible seizure. It was so bad that they didn't want me to model for them anymore, so all that time and effort wasted."

Lila' entire sob story earned yet another scoff from Felix, who was a table away from their's, but he can ear it all due to Lila's loud voice. Are these kindergarteners? 

Felix hates liars with a passion, and this is really getting on his nerves. Sadly, he is in no place to out her, and based on her peers it'd do no good. He'll just let them burn, why should he care. His gaze flickers towards Alya and Marinette. Alya was supposedly Marinette's best friend, but an idiot along with the rest of the class who buys into Lila's stuff. Alya catches Felix's stare, and he looks down after she noticed.

Alya looks at Lila and at Marinette who was doing her best to contain her emotions, while Lila was happily chatting away with Mylene. Although, it seems a tad weird that Lila switches her emotions a lot during talking, almost like she was trying to convince us of something. One moment she's near tears, and when something goes her way she lights up. 

It sucked that Marinette couldn't get along with Lila, after all they're both so amazing people. Alya was torn between Marinette and Lila, she didn't know what Marinette had against Lila, seriously what was the beef? At the corner of her eye she can see Felix's gaze at her, but after their eyes met for a few seconds he scoffed and looked back at his half eater plate. What was his deal?

It wasn't until she heard a crash, and there was two figures entering the ceiling. People started hysterically screaming and running about, that she realized there was an Akuma attack. Alya looked towards the ceiling, and started to get her phone out. She was grinning ear to ear in anticipation, oh this going to be good. Her inner self was shrieking with excitement, maybe this time she can get an interview with Ladybug before she leaves.

"Does this have to happen right now?" Muttered a very tired Marinette as she ran towards the female bathroom and entered a stall.


Marinette runs out of the bathroom to see Cat Noir fighting a large humanoid cat, and a smaller version. Any normal person would find this horrifying, or downright hysterical, but as Ladybug this was the norm. Even the Parisians are getting used to this newfound norm of villainy. 

"Why hell M'lady~," said a very enthusiastic Cat Noir, who was delighted to see Ladybug. Meanwhile Ladybug just smiles and rolled her eyes.

She says while running towards the cats to attack, "Well, anyways we have an akuma to defeat along with a sentimonster."

"We do indeed," replies Cat Noir.


"So this is what mother warned me about," muttered a very annoyed Felix. He had just witnessed the second weirdest scene in his life. A humanoid cat broke into the ceiling...holding a smaller cat person, and was fighting a cat hero. Paris city of love, more like city of furries. 

Felix runs towards an empty classroom, only to be consumed by his thoughts.

 As dangerous as Akumas are, they take about  a few hours, and Ladybug fixes the large majority of the damage. Many things have happened since the first Akuma attack, there even has been a mental health sources for Akuma victims. People who were Akumatized, and people who were attacked. Many people even from different countries has come to Paris to inspect what's going on. It affected Paris' tourists spots too, with many people fearing for their safety.

To think that the livelihoods of the two million people in Paris have to be protected by magical teenagers against one mysterious magical person dubbed ShadowMoth who traumatized and put people in danger. The only person I can think that would do that would be my uncle Gabriel Agreste. 

Felix turns on his phone to watch the news coverage of the Akuma attack.

"Don't be bemused it's just the news, today there has been an Akuma attack that Ladybug and Catnoir right now, as they have been for a while," said Nadia Chamak from the small screen. The screen show cases her speaking while there's an aerial footage of the fight from the destroyed roof. It's a bit hard to see, but you can make out Ladybug dodging the brute forced attacks from the sentimonster. it was clear to see the the akumatized person, who was a girl was a child who was commanding smaller normal cats around to make things harder.

Eventually the girl attempts to go after Ladybug's miraculous, but it was a fruitless effort, as she failed miserably. Time passed and Ladybug called out her lucky charm. From the screen you couldn't make out what she held in her hand, all you could see were the color scheme of it that matched her outfit perfectly.

Ladybug runs out frame, likely with a plan including the object, and leaves Cat Noir to hold the cats for now. Following after, Carapace and Ladybug comes out of the blue to join the fight. Carapace shelters the girl, and that's when another ladybug caught the large humanoid cat from the back and broke a charm revealing a feather. The other ladybug that Felix saw before was gone, because he was too focused on the akumatized person to realize that Ladybug somehow slipped out of the frame. In a swift motion she broke and caught an Akuma too.


"Bye bye little butterfly," said Ladybug as she waved towards the now white butterfly. She looks towards a small girl who was staring in confusion at Ladybug. The girl was holding a small charm in her hand which seemed to be the ex-akumatized object. This is probably one of the fastest akumatizations next to the Mr. Pigeon guy. Most akumatizations take a few hours, however this consumed only thirty minutes of Ladybug's time.

"Pound-it," said Ladybug and Catnoir.

"Well, goodbye m'lady," said Catnoir, but Ladybug was already gone by that time along with the girl. Little did she know about another pair of green eyes staring at her in suspicions. 

Authors note

Sorry if this seemed rushed I'm busy with school and whatnot, so I hope you enjoy my very first fan fiction. 

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