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“I am King,” the herald introduced himself as he floated in the sky waiting for Aether to reply.

“Aether,” the traveler nodded while trying to control his anger as he had a large vendetta to pay to the so-called King.

After the introductions, Aether and herald attacked each other. Hand and sword once again meeting one another, a blast of power resounded through the air. Golden light and blue waves hitting each other in quick succession through the sky as if a light show was happening, the two of them attacked each other with powerful intent to kill one another.

As Aether and the herald attacked one another you were busy with the armies of monsters surrounding you. Focusing on one at a time, you swung your sword killing enemies one after another. Without a moment's hesitation, you continued to use your full weight to add more strength to each of your swings. A flip to slam your claymore directly into the ground, the force pushed back the swarming enemies.

Firing fuming from your sword, you sturdied yourself with your heel before using the stability that you gained to swing your blade down creating a parting of fire through the ground. Enemies flying around, you quickly switched the pyro energy to hydro, and stabbing the claymore directly into the ground, you created a barrier that pushed the enemies away from you. Releasing the hydro barrier, you ran forward and continued to massacre the enemies one after another.

Backstab. Quick swing. Kick. Upwards slash.

You continued to attack one after another. The relentless pace that you were following made it seem as if you weren’t injured at all. The power that Aether had lent you pushed you to your full potential. The pure excitement and adrenaline that you felt made you smile. An accomplishment that was proof of your strength.

“Ugh,” Aether backed away as he held his hand to his hip, pain pulsing through as he felt an unbearable heat.

The herald immediately reacted to the traveler's weakened moment and flew towards him at full speed. Arm outstretched, the herald summoned his power to envelop his fist, and with a powerful strike, he hit Aether ruthlessly forcing him to the ground. As Aether’s back made contact with the ground, the herald appeared in front of him once more and with a loud yell, he kicked Aether into the sky before slamming him down once more.

“Agh,” Aether coughed out blood as the continuous hits built-up fatigue and injuries caught up to him.

“Aether!” You shouted as you saw his beat up body in your periperal vision. 

Summoning all the power that you had in you, you threw your sword at the enemies. The sword spinning with a powerful momentum from your swing created a vortex that killed enemies in one hit. 

Trying your best to quickly run to his side, you were stopped by even more hordes of monsters coming out to fight you. Clicking your tongue, you summoned your sword back to your hands and created icicles before shooting them at the enemies. Worried out of your mind for Aether, you recklessly attacked without a worry about defending your own self. Stabbing the ground once more, you called upon the seven elements that you had under your control with the claymore being the catalyst and yelled releasing the powerful energy in a orb like barrier that gradually got larger. 

The sword crack from the overwhelming power, you continued to push yourself and the claymore to the final brink. The power that you had collected over the years continued to flow out of you as enemies were exterminated from your view. 

However, the herald who was enjoying his winning streak flew to attack Aether once more. Shouting in fear, your mind went blank as the beloved traveler who you had grown to love and care about was the only thing you could think about at the moment.


Reading the words that Aether had written in your room before the expedition through the Abyss castle, your hands started to shake as you felt a mix of joy and fear. You didn’t know how to react.

I love you y/n. After all this is done, I hope that we can go out together. Thank you for everything.

You had the same feelings that he had. You loved him too. 

Thinking back at that moment when you were about to confess, you couldn’t help but feel frustrated thinking that you were too cowardly to say anything. As you tried to go up to him to talk to him about what he had written to you, he gave you a smile and a small shake of his head.

He didn’t want your response yet. Your heart rate increased as you became more conscious of the handsome friend that you had come to love. He had been the one who had introduced you to the beauty of the world. He had been the one to open your eyes. Truly grateful, that had soon turned to love and a deeper appreciation for him.

Thinking deep in your heart about your feelings, you admitted to yourself just how far you had fallen for the precious traveler that you had gotten to know.

Making a promise to yourself, you would protect Aether with your life. Although the one who had saved your life was Lumine, Aether was the one who had given you life. He was truly a being that you wouldn’t mind dedicating your heart and soul to.


Tears running down your eyes in fear of the life of the traveler, you continued to push yourself to the point of destruction. Soon enough, enemies were the only things that you could see in your line of sight and the body of the one you had sworn to protect was now hidden from your view. The number of enemies continued to multiply while your energy was quickly drained from your recklessness.

Falling to your knees, Paimon flew to you in worry, “Y/n!”

“Don’t worry y/n,” you heard a familiar voice. “You can leave the rest to me.”

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