Chapter One [The Call]

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"Mom, it's not fair...why didn't you talk to me about this?! Do I not have a say?! Am I not a part of this family?!" I let out all my anger on my mom. Why?

Oh, I'll tell you why.

She told me to pack. I asked her why. She replied with a "Oh, I didn't tell you? Well, we're moving tomorrow in the afternoon."

And that happened.

"I'm sorry honey. But your dad and I have decided on it already."

"It's not fair!" I ran up to my room and slammed my door shut on the way in.

My phone chimed.

Hey, can I come over?

I smiled. Andrew, my crush. I've been crushing on him since I was 9.

Hey Ands, not a great timing though but sure.

The more I should come, see you Sabs.

Yeah, nicknames. We made them for each other while we were 4. Guess it kinda stuck.

10 minutes later I hear tapping on my window.

Guess Andrew's here already.

I opened my window and he entered.

"Hey Sabs." Andrew greeted, entering my room.

"Hey Ands." I greeted back and sat at the edge of my bed.

He sat beside me. "What's wrong?" He asked putting an arm around me, sending eletricity through my body.

"I'm moving..." I replied, my eyes getting a bit watery.

"What? When?"

"Tomorrow." Then I just cried.

"Hey, hey, shhh."

Then we hugged, which made the butterflies in my stomach explode.

"Everything's gonna be okay, Sabs. Even if you won't be that close to me, I'll always be here for you."

"Thank you, Andrew." I sniffed.

"Anytime, Sabrina. Anytime."

My phone rang, surprising us both and I answer it.

"Hey Carpenter, it's Blanchard."

"Rowan! Hey, haven't heard from you in a while."

She laughed, "Yeah..." She paused for a while. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow."


"Dude, you're gonna be my neighbor!" She basically shouted.

"Ow, Rowan..." I said bringing my phone away from my ear then back, laughing a bit.

She chuckled. "Oh yeah, I have better news."

"And that is what?"

"You're between my house and another house who has a guy 1 year older than you and he's cute."

"His name?" I rolled my eyes.

"Bradley Steven Perry."

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