Chapter Two [Moving & Meeting]

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We were putting all our bags in the car while the van got ready to leave since all of our boxes were in there.

All of my friends were here. We spent the entire morning together hanging out for probably the last time.

"I'm gonna miss you guys." I said, my eyes getting a bit watery.

"Aww, Sabrina, we'll miss you too girly." Maddison said and hugged me. The others followed her lead.

"Promise you'll call when you get there?" Lia asked.

"I promise." I smiled. "And are you sure you're all gonna be in the same room? We all know Tosha and Luke can't stand each other." I teased.

"Hey, c'mon!" Luke and Tosha said at the same time. They looked at each other. "Really? Quit it. No you quit it. Just shut up. Fine."

We all laughed and it really hit how much I'd miss them.

"I'm really gonna miss you guys." I said.

"Sabrina, it's time to go." My mom called.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye.." I said with tears falling down.

"Sabs, it's not goodbye. Come here you." Andrew said and we hugged. I blushed, and I heard the girls giggling so I blushed even more.

"Thanks Andrew, for everything." I whispered so only he could hear it. "Our talks, the memories, the advice. Just, everything."

"No problem, isn't that what friends are for?" He hugged me tighter, and I returned it.

Friends, yeah, if only you knew how I feel about you.

"Sabrina! Now!" My mom yelled.

We parted and I hugged each one of my friends, then we had another group hug, then again my mom scolding me.

I got in the car. We started moving. I looked out the window to see them but sat down when they disappeared. Guess this is it.

I'm moving to a new neighborhood.


My phone started ringing which woke me up.i checked the contact and it was Rowan.

"Hey Row. What's up."

"Sabrina! You cannot believe it!! You are so lucky! Ughhh can I go to your place anytime?" She blabbed.

"What? Yeah, uh sure? I guess." What's going on?

"Thank you so much!! I see your car. See you in a bit."

Then she hang up. That was weird.

Then we got out of the car only to see Row running at me.



Then we hugged. "I missed you." She said. "Me too Row, me too." We parted and laughed.

"So what were you freaking about earlier."

A smile crept up to her lips. "C'mon." She said dragging me.

"Hey Bradley!" She called out.

Bradley? Who's Bradley? Was that the guy she mentioned last time?

"Hey Rowan. What's up...who's this?"

"Sabrina, this is Bradley. Bradley, Sabrina."

I turned to face this guy named Bradley and once I did, well, I have no words to describe how cute he is.

"Hey." He said smiling.

Oh, my god.

"Hey." I managed to get out.

"The name's Bradley." He took his hand out gesturing for me to shake it.

Yeah, I know.

"Sabrina." I took his hand and shook it. Oh, my god. His hands feel so soft. He didn't let go and I didn't either.

"Hey Bradley!" A guy called out. We immediately let go of each other's hands while blushing slightly.

"Peyton! I want you to meet someone." He turned to me. "Sabrina, is it okay if I introduce you to some of my friends?" He asked me.


"Okay." Then his friends came over.

"Peyton, Corey, Jake, this is Sabrina. Sabrina, Peyton, Corey & Jake."

"Hey." They all waved.

"Hey." I waved back.

"Sabrina! C'mon! You still have to unpack!" My mom yelled. I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"Sorry guys. I have to take this one."

"It's okay." Bradley said.

"Need any help?" Peyton asked.

"Yeah, if you aren't busy that is." I replied smiling.

"Sorry, I gotta run to the store." Bradley said. "Mom wants me to get some stuff."

"Oh that's alright." I said feeling a bit down.

"Corey and I have to get going, it's almost dark and he's sleeping over at my place." Jake said.

"Oh okay." Then we said our goodbyes and separate ways. It was only me and Peyton. Didn't even realize that Rowan left.

"So...its just you and me, huh." He awkwardly said.


We looked up into each other's eyes. Damn.

"Sabrina! C'mon!" Gee thanks mom.

"We gotta get going Peyton."


Then we ran and laughed on the way to my house.

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