Chapter 02: Falling in love

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Sonic woke up, And sat up. He noticed he's in a dissmilar room. Gradually confuse, But he then comprehended that rouge invited him and knuckles in a party. He may possibly still at one of the bars rooms. How did he got here in the beginning? He thought. But as he attempted to stand, He failed. A sudden headache stopped him from standing.

 Eventually, The door creaked. Causing his eyes to move through the door.

He saw a black with a mix of red haired person peeking, It was shadow.

What is shadow doing here? He rarely visits me, Sonic thought. Out of his curiosity He asked shadow "Oh hey shadow! What are you doing here?"

"You got drunk last night, So I came in to give this water." Shadow calmly answered, He never acts like that in front of sonic.

 "What? I got drunk??" The blue hero was surprised at this, In spite of that he instantly remembered. "Oh- Yeah, I finally remembered. But who brought me here?"Sonic questioned, Shadow stood there. Not wanting to concede. "Chaos..." He whispered to himself. "I did. And you owe me. Because you're really heavy to carry.." Sonic giggled at shadow's words.

"Wha- How?!!" The blue blur asked aloud. "Did I do something?! Please tell me what happened!!" Sonic begged for shadow, After all he doesn't want to make shadow mad at whatever he did. And he wants to apologize. 

"YES! P-please." Looking at the other infront of him, Shadow tried to convince himself not to. But he gave in. He can't refuse to his cute face! "Y-you.. K-" Shadow sighed. "You kissed me." Shadow then give away at last. There was silence in the room. Shadow can feel his face heat up, He really REALLY didn't want sonic to know about that kiss. He doesn't know why though. Except he's starting to develop feelings for the hero, Yes indeed.

Sonic blushed from shadow's reply, Is shadow going to kill him? "I- I..Im sorry if..You felt uncomfortable after so sorry...You shouldn't have called som-" Before sonic could finish his words, The darker one cuts him of. "Its..okay and no, rouge and knuckles are probably busy flirting." Sonic chuckled, I mean those two have been very close. Almost half of their friends already know about them, Having feelings for each other but even so still refused to tell their feelings. "Heh..but, I still want to apologize.."

 "I already said that it's totally fine, Your fine. You don't have to worry about it.." Shadow reassured sonic. Sonic still doesn't have any clue that shadow actually liked the kiss, He kind of wanna do it again. Because of how shadow felt, He's Satisfied. He's obviously falling in love with the hero of mobius!

Shadow's Pov: 

I cannot believe that..Im in love with this idiot. He's really different from the others, Even though i show my hatred for him at times. He can still manage to smile, I cannot believe this faker.

The two stared at each other, The darker one stared at those gorgeous emerald eyes. While the young one at the mysterious ruby eyes. With Love and Passion. Sonic did not realized his heart is beating faster, faster than him. He paid no attention to it, Because of his thoughts. 

 Same as shadow, His mind and sonic's mind matched. Their eyes sparkled Due to the thoughts that they paired..

"He's so beautiful.." Was the only thing they had in their distracted minds. The silence broke When rouge opened the door straight away, She didn't mean to interrupt the moment between the two hedgehogs though. "Hey boys, Knuckles is ready to pick u- Oh~ I see~" Rouge teased, Making sonic and shadow's ears perked up. Sonic madly blushed at rouge's words. At the same time, Shadow growls. "What do you want?"  

"Oh~ just want to check if you two a-"

 "NOT gonna happen." Shadow cuts off rouge's words. He definitely hated that girl at that point. "Hey! Atleast you have a supportive friend!"

"And I'm COMPLETELY sure that there's something going on here.."

 "How so?" Shadow asked in a sarcastic way, While crossing his arms. "I didn't heard any yells, Which often comes from your mouth, shadow. You're acting weird lately" She's right, Shadow have been acting calm like- I mean he's always calm but, This? This is a different one. He's not always like that, according to sonic and rouge.

Sonic's Pov: 

Rouge is probably right though, He's acting weird. Just like earlier, He's so calm. This is something else...But I'm not complaining. I liked this side of him. it.  

"Ooh! I almost forgot, Hey blue knuckles said he's going to pick you up at 8:00" Rouge reminded me, I almost forgot about him- "Thanks for reminding me" I said, Rouge then nodded after.

"By the way- Did he looked for me last night? I forgot to tell him that I was going to drink" I asked rouge. "Uh kinda..? He asked me if I've seen you around and he thought that you already have gone home. I asked shadow if he had seen you, he said that you got drunk and you were accompanied by him to this room to let you sleep." She explained, And when she said that I was accompanied by shadow. That's when I fell again. I thought he did not cared about my whole existence.  

Oh shadow...

 "I texted him after knowing what happened to you, He was relieved since he didn't found you in your house." Another explanation then came out of rouge, Oh boy..I didn't want him to get over worried about me, I can certainly take care of my self.. Damn they are acting like I'm a kid! He should atleast take care of tails-He probably had a lack of sleep because of that invention he's still working on. That kid is so stubborn at times, He won't sleep until his work is finished.

That is something that knuckles should also put his eyes on. But he's my friend, I should be thankful too you know.

  "You know what? Your lucky if you had a lover like him, rouge. So I suppose you should go tell him how you feel." Rouge then blushed at my perspective, Knuckles is a caring person sometimes. And he'll probably be a good boyfriend if you had the intention on dating him. I just can't wait for them to be together...

"Oh hun...I really wanna tell him how I feel, afraid that something might stand between me and him, That is reality."She said, I can see her being so upset..I really wanna tell her that knuckles also have feelings for her, although knuckles told me not to tell her yet.

 "The reality is also him having feelings for you, I mean the way he talk and stare at you is really something." Shadow then finally talked. He's also seeing that..? I'm impressed, I wish he could see that I'm in love with him as well. But even if he noticed that, he would probably won't accept it. "I- I mean..that's how he treats his friends.." Rouge spoke.

"No, He's different around you." Shadow said. PLEASE knuckles let me say it!!!!"Ugh! Can we just drop this subject?! I mean it's almost 8:00 you should go get ready sonic." Rouge suggested, shoot- I didn't even realized that. "SH*T!" I cursed, Shadow then walked towards me "Can you stand?" Wow "Y-yes I'm fine." I stood up and ran to the bathroom to take a bath. I blushed at how kind he is lately.

 I love him.

To be continued...

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