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Tunceli, Türkiye.
Time : 11:03 AM

The bombs. No one knew or had warned them about the fighter pilots

Ember Jones was a lieutenant for her unit and medical team.

Walking around on her break enjoying the spring air alongside Luke. Luke was quiet while Ember was the opposite when she got close to somebody. He held her hand and smiled down at her. "Lovely day." Ember smiled taking a sip of her water. The crystal sounds of the river sang a melody to their ears. Finally it was peaceful. "It is." Luke looked at her, kissing the top of her forehead, then stopped her, grabbed her chin and brought her lips to his softly.

Ember broke away as they were on their way back to base taking the short trail. "Have you ever thought about us moving here after our contract is over and we finally get married?" Ember asked Luke, with a cheeky grin, her and Luke where engaged for the past year. The only had a month left of their contract.

"You know I have thought about it. You have become close with the people, as well took you long enough to learn their language." Luke joked, seeing the way her bright hazels eyes shined up at him.

"I love it here... and I love you." She gleamed up back at him. Luke was tall, dark and handsome. Luke was a caucasian man from California. Washed out light dirty blonde hair, with deep brown eyes. Ember was good and reading eyes, while she could see how loving they were towards her. No ounce of hatred or brokenness was behind them. Luke was the only man to love her, and cherish her.

"I love you more then life its self." Luke spoke with ever word, with the most sincere way a man could.

They made there way up on the edge of the base, when the first one was dropped on the hill side of the city past the River. The impact took her down as her head collided with the wall of the base. The first bomb took wiped out the city as a whole and the near by villages.

It when dark, then her ears woken with a ringing sound. The pain was whipped away as her need to help the other came to overdrive her wellbeing first. Reaching for Luke to help him up, his leg was broken from the impact of him colliding with the ground. "GO!" she heard him screaming the the loudly thumbing in her head and ears. "GO HELP THEM!" He pushed her to go.

"IM NOT LEAVING YOU." She bellowed back at him. Luke brought her to knees, pressed her lips to his. "I will find help. They need you more." He said through tears.

"I'm coming back for you.." With out another word after that she ran to her Medical team she saw one of her sergeant from her unit coming by. "Lieutenant!" The younger male had come up to her.

"Get the unit and get strapped up and get order from the commander! You are taken over!" She said grabbing into his shoulders.

"What?" He said in shock.

"No question. Do as you are told!" Embers voice was stern, showings, no sign of stress. Yet she was breaking mess, a bridge, collapsing onto itself. "I'm leading medical! Go!"

Running into the medical building seeing all of them in an organized fanatic mess. "START LETTING THE Survivors in!" She ordered her team. After half and hour survivors of children, women and men were coming in by a second. Hundreds of them all needing medical attention. Then the memory of Luke laying there came back into mine as someone came on the comms letting them know another bomb had gone off in the right wing. He was there. As she felt the vibrations of the bomb.

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