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They arrived back one base a few days later. Waiting for there next call in. She stayed to herself for the next few days. Having to retrain her mind as she as well worked in the medic tent. As she helped much could willing keeping her way from her mind and going back to place she couldn't afford for anyone.

She was in the mess hall eating lunch investing her mind  into one of the books she had found in the break rooms. That was used my many. Ember break away from the day dream looking up to see Soap with a bright smile. "Riven." He said placing his plate in front for and pulling out the chair in front of her. "McTavish." Ember said looking him up and down like he was doing to much.

"How have you been Yankee?" He joked.

"Yankee that's a new one." She laughed a bit looking at him.

"Wow do I See a smile." He said teasing her.

"Okay I know how too. I'm not as stiff as Ghost now." She joked with him back.

"That I will agree on." He laughed back. "You know he can pull some jokes. Not as good as I can but he is up there."

"Wow the reaper can crack a joke. That is something I would pay to see myself," she said of disbelief as she saw him start to eat his food, and clearly enjoyed it as well by the way he was stuffing his face like it was his last meal.

"You will one day. He's tuff nut to crack." Soap moved his hand talking. "But I gotta say the way you handled him was something."

"What do you mean?" She asked turning her head her eyes browns flaring up as he was speaking in riddles to her.

Soap just shock his head with a chuckle. "I mean have some pair of balls to talk to him the way you do. I like that about you." He said with a smile pointing a finger at her.

It honestly it made her smile a bit at this last statement. He was way too nice for this place in her eyes. "Yeah your not that bad ether." She messed with him back.

"So where have you been the past few days mate? We thought you had left already." He asked looking up her face. Now getting a good look at her scar on her face. It was dark compared to rest of her skin tone. Her hair was wavy and a deep brown as it framed her face and full rose dust color lips.

Her eye on her right was foggy with some what of the original color left of her deep hazel color green, blue and a light brown in the middle. "I have been in the medical center, helping them out with the marines that were injured from the mission." She said bitting into her food that was now somewhat of cold. Feeling weird in her mouth.

"So are you a medic as well?" He said trying to get to know her more. Trying to read the woman he was going to be working with for lord knows how long.

"Somewhat..." she kept her answer short.

"What is that suppose to mean?" He asked.

"I'm a RN, I joined as a medic and went to officer school to rank into a lieutenant. Then transformed into the marines unit and did a few years in there soon ranking up." Embers crossed her legs to get more comfortable knowing she was going to he here for a while.

"So American of you." He didn't even look up at her.

"How so?" She now turned her head in a way to see where this was going. One thing she could say he was at keeping people on their toes with his words. As well a good story teller with Scottish accent, Soap spoke like a fucking poet.

"All you Americans can't ever stick to one thing. As well you women as so bloody indecisive." The conversation changing a bit to more of a challenge for her. The whole point of Soaps plan.

"So we are getting into gender stereotypes as well, McTavish you are full of opinions and surprise."

"A lot coming from you." He laughed. "I mean who the hell can seem a missile?". Soap had no idea what he was asking put yet again she enjoyed someone not knowing her past and not looking at now her.

"After some many years you learn the know the smell." She pointed out a half a lie. In away she was telling the truth as well she knew due to being domed by one, as well losing her vision made her sense more stronger.

"True." He nodded his head too. "Ghost and I are going on a morning run you should come with us get to know each other some more."

"I don't know I will thank about it." Ember shrugged her shoulders.

Seeing that's it was bad idea due too she didn't get along with hardly anyone, and she feared Ghost in a weird way he just made her skin crawl yet again she was intrigued by him in away. As well, remembering the encounter they had during the mission. Like why did he wear the mask all the time or why was he so fucking tall and brooding.

— later that night.

She was walking to her room to get some sleep for tomorrow, knowing that she would be waking up at the butt crack of dawn. When She was a few steps away from her room she saw the man entering the room with a bag over his shoulder. She had no idea he was right next to hers. He turned his head too see her eyes looking in on him studying his every move.

"What are you doing over here I thought your on the west wing." She spoke up her voice was sharp breaking through the room of the silent hall. It was cold and barely lit up. He enter the room without answering her question.

"Okay asshole." She said underneath her breath making her way into her dorm.

RIVEN | Simon 'ghost' RileyWhere stories live. Discover now