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There where screams coming from outside her room as she woke up pushing her self out of her bed as she grabbed her small hand gun from her night stand and running out side to see no one but a dark hallway.

It was now dead silent, Ember turned back around to head back inside when she heard foot steps coming from behind her. A dark figure standing at the end of the hall as the exit sign only giving it a light to be able to see the figure. The back of her neck standing up as she pointed the gun at him. "Who the hell are you?" She said ready to fire upon them.

"You know who I am... Ember Jones." The voice had a clear accent she had heard before. But only in the pit of her nightmares.

"How the fuck do you know my name." She said as he began to walk closer to her.

"Oh come on Emmy you know me." Soon the light revealing his deceiving face. Her father was standing with a wicked smile. "No one calls me that anymore." Her voice was shaking now.

"Of course. Well I do." The sharp drown eyes looking into her soul. His hand waving in the air as he had a blood-curdling smile, the corners of his mouth curling up. "Why do you act like that around me, what happened to you? Where is my sweet ole girl at?"  He spoke like the devils ambassador. His voice was quilling and sly, with a thread, weaving of manipulation into it.

"She grew up and became a the man you tough me too be." She pulled the trigger shooting him in the head as his body fell over onto the floor. Bleeding out. But when she walked over to the body... it was Ghost now. Her body shivering her hands trembling as she covered her mouth tears running down her face. "Why did you kill me?" The head turned to her with a creepy smile. Ember ran back into her room as her back was now to the door. She flipped on the light.

Now seeing another man. Hassan sitting on her desk chair. "Good too see you again. Emmy," he said blood coming the corners of his mouth eyes fully black. Holding a gun an fired a gun at her.

Ember shoved herself up from her bed, the bed was covered and drenched in her sweat. She was panting as she brushed her hand through her hair out of her face. Looking around to see it was all a nightmare and the sun had another two hours before coming up for the new day. Pushing her self out of the thin bed  she was sleeping on and the scratchy green sheets.

Her head was spinning as her ears, letting out a low, thumping noise from her head. Making her way outside. The door slammed behind her as she flinched praying she hadn't woken anyone up yet. Making her way to the lounge room to get some water. Turning the corner as she flipped on the light not seeing anyone, until she heard someone shuffling. 

"Fuck!" She yelled as Ghost moved from his sleep. "You stupid bastard." She crused as she had jumped out of her own skin and bones.

He moved up rubbing his eyes to see her in an over large t-shirt and what looked like men's boxers. As well her eyes squinting from the bright light her hair all over the place. Once his eyes adjusted to her figure, he could see the beat is wet dripping down her face. "Why are you up so bloody early?" He asked, snapping at the name calling. 

"Why are you sleeping on the damn couch? Don't you have a room or something?" She said getting more nasty with him and walking over to get a cup of water. Turning on the faucet and pouring up the glass halfway. She chugged it done all done in one gulp.

"Couldn't sleep." He keep his answer short and simple.

"Clearly." She rolled her eyes getting more water.

Ghost could see it more miles away. The night sweats and jumpiness to the chugging of water like you haven't drank a glass of water in a year. All sign pointing to a nightmare. "Bad one?" He asked her with a cold tone of voice.

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