Chapter 9-Weekend Crushes

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**Beth's POV**

🎶The story of my life, I take her home! I drive all night to kee-🎶

I switch off my alarm and struggle to open my eyes!

I drag my self out of bed and head into the bathroom and have a shower because I'm going to a party tonight!

It's Brooklyn's Party!

I have a feeling something will go wrong!

I just don't know what!!

Zoe & Alfie are going out before me tonight and Brooklyn told me that she got her Mum to text Zoe & Alfie!

(I'm gonna skip to when she's getting ready to go to the party!)

After leaving my hair in a plait all day I take it out then go and say goodbye to Zoe & Alfie!

"Have a good time at the party Beth! We will pick you up at 10am!" Zoe says.

"Okay! I love you both!" I tell them.

"We love you too<3" Alfie says.

I then wave them goodbye, shut the door and rush back upstairs as I only have 2hours to get ready!

Lol thats quite alot of time but I'm a girl soo.. girls will understand what I mean💯
I sit in front of my mirror and start putting on some make up!
I don't want to look like I'm going to enter a Pageant Contest and plus,
I should probably tell you guys!
Their is this boy in my Science class called Aaron Dallas!
And he is like.. gorgeous😍💞
Anways less about dreamy boy and more about me getting ready!
I heard Aaron say he doesn't like girls with loads of makeup so I go with a simple look!
Some Mascara,
and some lipgloss💄!!
I then put on my outfit!
My pink short dress with the cut open back!
I then slip on some skin coloured tights..(idk what their called but their now called that😂)
I then put on some white converse, grab a bag with my phone and makeup in it, grab my denim jacket then wait outside for Bailey to come and pick me up!
Brooklyn didn't invite Anais, Paige and Neve because.. well i don't know why!
Bailey pulls up and I hop inside and we head to her & Brooklyn's house!
We pull up outside and it is massive!
I get outside and Bailey opens the door and I'm greeted by a happy Brooklyn!
Bailey walks off to get me a drink and I'm left with nothing to do!
So I decide to go out in the garden and I see a girl that looks a lot like Neve sat on the bench!
I walk over to her,
"Um hi, can I sit here?" I ask.
"Oh yea sure! I'm Taylor!" She replies!
"I'm Beth! I'm new here!" I tell her.
"OMG you're Beth Deyes! Zalfie's kid!
My sister Neve watches your Mum & Dad and she has got me into them!" She informs me!
"Ahhh that's why I recognised you from!" We both start laughing Bailey comes to me with a drink of Sprite!
Alot of people here are probably drinking!
But I've never drunk alcohol in my life and I'm scared to!
I must have been thinking for a while because Bailey and Taylor have both walked off and I'm left sat on a bench in the garden!
I'm about to get up when Aaron walks out of the back door!
"Oh hey Beth! I thought I saw you arrive!"
Beth focus.. stop drooling and say something!
"Hey Aaron, yeah I came out here because it's very hot inside, wanna sit?" I ask him.
"Oh yeah sure!" He sits down and we start talking for ages! When I look at the time on my phone its 8:45!
He stops talking for a second and then starts looking me in the eyes!
I suddenly get butterflies in my tummy as he leans in closer..

**Aaron's POV**
I kiss her on the lips and I feel sparks!
But we pull apart as we hear a ground piercing scream!
Brooklyn is standing their..

**Beth's POV**
I get up suddenly as soon as I see Brooklyn!
"Aaron.. Babe what are you doing kissing that little brat!?" She says pointing at me.
I look back at Aaron and slap him round the face! I start crying and run push past Brooklyn!
Why do I feel so upset?
Probably because Aaron didn't tell me he was going out with Brooklyn!
I can't believe he didn't tell me!
I've now lost one of my first friends in this school!
I wonder if I'll be able to get her back!
I get to the door when I hear Taylor start calling my name!
I ignore her and walk outside,
and I walk all the way home!
Once I'm at home I text Zoe & Alfie:
Felt quite tired so left early,
Didn't want to disturb your meal out so I walked,
Wasn't far! Cya in the morning!
-B xx
I don't know why.. but I feel like my heart is cracked!

**Aaron's POV**
I look at Brooklyn and she's got a smirk on her face!
"What the hell did you do that for?
And why did you call me Babe?
I broke up with you a week ago!" I shout at Brooklyn!
"Well I wanted to know why you dumped me! And now I know why!
So you could try and break Beth's heart aswell! Well thanks to little Bethy brat face, my 4 year relationship has gone! But don't you worry Aaron!" She comes up very close to me and starts poking my chest!
"I won't interfere with yours and Beth's relationship.. why would I do that?" She says and turns away and laughs!
Well thanks to her.. i don't stand a chance with Beth!

**Beth's POV**
I lay down in bed after taking my smudged make up off and I get an oovoo call from Neve whilst I'm flicking through my instagram!
I answer and they can see the sadness in my eyes!
"Beth whats wrong?" Neve, Anais & Paige ask!
I explain it all to them!
"But Aaron broke up with Brooklyn a week ago!" Anais says!
"What? That can't be right!?" I say.
I tell them I'm going to bed then I quickly send Aaron a text, oh yeah I got his number by the way!
B: Hey😐
You probably hate me atm but Neve, Anais & Paige told me about yours and Brooklyn's relationship!
I'm sorry I hit you.. i just felt annoyed!
Am I forgiven?
If not I understand..
-B xx❤️

A: Hey B.. your forgiven, ever since I broke up with Brooklyn she has been a bit of a pain! I really like you.. but I don't want Brooklyn hurting you!
Guessing you've gone to bed now..
Night Beth!
-A xx❤️

I read his text and smile then another comes through:

A: Ps, you looked gorgeous tonight;) xx

And after reading that I fall asleep..
dreaming of Aaron❤️

Sorriiii it took forever to upload!
But anyways..
Which to you prefer #Baron or #Aeth😂
I prefer #Baron😏
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ily guyss!
Izzz x
nearly at 500 views;)

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