Chapter 17-Never trust boys!

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**Beth's POV**
We arrive at the dance and Aaron is standing their, waiting for us!
"Wow.. you look amazing!" He says to me as we walk closer!
I start to blush then smile at him then he links my arm and we all walk inside!

The dancefloor is full of people dancing!
The song King by Years & Years is on and we start dancing along to it but we then decide to go and get a drink!
Aaron has disappeared somewhere so I pick him up a sprite aswell!

We are looking around at decorations!
They have made it look so cool!
But then my eyes land on the dance floor and I see Brooklyn!
Not dancing on her own though..
Dancing with Aaron!
There just friends, I tell myself!
Just friends!

But then Aaron leans in and kisses Brooklyn!!
I'm still holding my drink in my hand, walk up to him and pour it over his head! (Lol actually wish I had the nerves to do this😂)
He turns and stares at me!
I throw the cup on the floor and start running outside pushing past everyone!

"Beth.. Wait!" I hear Aaron call behind me!
He grabs my arm and I turn around!

"You liar! 3 hours ago you kissed me in the park and now you go and kiss your EX! You player, don't come near me again!"
I then start storming off again with tears going down my face!
I can't believe I actually liked him!
I thought that he was going to ask me out!

God Beth, your so stupid🔫

*The next day*

I wake up and sit up!
I look at my pillow and it has black stains on it from where my mascara has run onto it from where I was crying!

**Zoe's POV**
I'm worried about Beth! Last night Alf & Me were sat in bed and we heard Beth come in but we heard gentle sobs and her bedroom door slam shut!

I walk upstairs and knock on her door!
"Come in" I hear a faint muffled voice say.
I walk in and Beth has mascara down her face and all over her pillow!
"Beth, what's wrong?"

She explains everything to me!
About how she had a crush on Aaron and he kissed her then at the dance he kissed Brooklyn!

"Beth, you probably feel really upset at the minute and this probably isn't going to make you feel better but,
some boys are absolute idiots and if they make you upset then their not worth it!
He'll soon realise that he's lost the prettiest, popular & smart girl he will ever meet!"

**Beth's POV**
"Thank you Zoe, That did actually help!" I smile at her and pull her in for a hug.
"It's okay! Right now you may not feel up for it but we are traveling up to London to have lunch with Joe & Leah then we are all staying in a hotel then we can go on the London Eye!" Zoe tells me!
"Okay! When are we leaving?" I ask!
"In 2 hours, do you think you can fix yourself back up in that time?" Zoe asks.
I get out of bed and salute her, then she leaves laughing!
Once she has closed the door I go into my bathroom and start removing all my makeup from last night! I then jump in the shower and once I'm done I choose what I'm going to wear!
Seeing as it's quite warm!
(It's May and like 3 weeks ago where I live we had a mini heat wave soo, that's happening in the book😂).
I decide on; some blue shorts with aztec on the side; a pink, blue & white crop top and some white vans!
I start brushing my hair when my phone vibrates!
I look at it and it's a Wattpad message!
Sent 15 mins ago!
My wattpad name is BethDeyes but I don't write book I just read books!
I open it up and its from a girl called Charlotte!
It says:

Hey Beth! I really love you style & your Instagram feed! Wanna be internet besties?-C xx

I smile as I read the message!
I've always wanted an internet friend!
I reply with:

Hey Charlotte!
Thank you soo much💗
I would love to be internet besties!
Always wanted one:)
-B xx

As I said I've always wanted an internet friend because if you don't want to tell your friends about stuff you can always tell them!
I then lock my phone and carry on brushing my hair!
I then put it in a fishtail plait when Alfie calls me down saying we have to go!
I grab a bag with phone, iPad, makeup & headphones inside!
I also grab a white hoodie then I make my way downstairs!

We get in the car and start driving to London, we also pick up a Starbucks on the way!
I sit in the car and plug my headphones in to my iPad and start catching up on Pretty Little Liars!

We eventually arrive in London after a loooonnngggggg journey because their was a lot of traffic!
We pull up in the hotel carpark and go to our room and get ready to meet Joe & Leah at the restaurant💞

Longer chapterr this timmeee!
Soo Beth now has an internet friend called Charlotte!
Which is also the royal baby's name!👑
Sooo yaaaaa!
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Izzzzz x
ew bananas.. i hate bananas😂

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