Chapter 14-Caught in the act!

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B4 I start, this is gonna be a short rubbish chapter bc I have to go out soon!
you guys are the bestest!
Izzzzz x

**Zoe's POV**
"Beth has stage 1 diabetes and she is suffering from anxiety!" The doctor tells us!
I start crying!
Not because of the anxiety thing because I suffer with that and Alf & I can help her with that!
But she has stage 1 diabetes!
That means she will have to enject herself before every meal!

I then realise Joe has left the room and it leaves just Alf & me!

"Alf, I need some air, I'm gonna go outside for a few minutes!" I tell him!
He nods and I made my way outside!

I breath in a smell of fresh air and turn my head to the side and see Joe..
Not alone but kissing someone!

I walk a bit close and cough which makes them pull apart!
I recognise the girl he was kissing!
I've seen her before but I can't put my finger on it!

"Oh um hey Zoe.." Joe says.
"Who is this?" I ask.
"I'm Leah, Joe's girlfriend!" She says to me.
I then realise who she is!
She's the girl who...

Anyways another A/N bc.. idek!
Ooooooohhh Zoe knows Leah!
But will Leah lie infront of Joe!?
Who knows!
Anways sorry for short rubbish chapter!
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Izzzz x
As per usual enjoy some pinapple!

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