Chapter 23-Best Friend Time!

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Doing A/N at the beginning idk why,
Sory for lack of upload.. I spent ages writing and editing this chapter!
Anyways I'm back,
Hope you enjoy!
Izzzz x

**Beth's POV**
I get off the bus and text Neve saying I'm outside BlueWater.
I click send then look at my reflection in the door!

I'm wearing some blue skinny jeans, a white crop top and my blue hoodie, with my white nikes😍
My curled hair ripples just below my shoulders!

I should explain what's going on..

Neve is staying with us for a few days because her parents are going away so we have some fun things planned,
And today we are going SHOPPING if you didn't guess;)

I get a tap on my shoulder and turn around and see my best friend standing their!
I pull her into a hug and then we start jumping up and down like weirdos because we are excited😂

Today Neve's wearing; a white top with black stripes with says New York & Brooklyn on it, some black leggings & her white nikes!

We link arms and go inside and head towards New Look.

When we get inside Neve does a little squeal because it's her favourite shop EVER!
Like their isn't a day in her life where she wearing something from the Generation 915 range!

We head towards the changing room with a clothing range of Dresses, Crop Tops, Jeans etc etc!

**5 mins later**
We head towards the checkout!
I buy a top which says Friday on it & Neve buys a top which says Summer Forever on it!

We go into Lush and I buy a bath bomb shaped like Saturn (idk what its called😂) and Neve buys a pink bath bomb called French Kisses!

Then we go into Primark, our final shop!
We head towards the ladies section looking out for the emoji tops etc etc!

We finally find it and we start browsing the range of tops.
I pick up a top which says 'Talk Disney To Me' bc I laaavvv disney❤️
And Neve picks up these 2 makeup bags with little Eiffel towers on them!

We head towards the checkout where I notice these best friend jumpers!
We go and have a look.
The first jumper has a drawing of Nutella on it and the writing says 'If your the Nutella,' and the other jumper has a drawing of bread and the writing says 'I'm the bread'.

We both buy those aswell as these other Best Friend jumpers which say 'I woke up like this' and the other says 'There's no way she woke up like that'.

I keep the one with Nutella on it and the one that says I woke up like this!
And Neve keeps the one with Bread on it and the one that says There's no way she woke up like that!

We walk out of Primark and I get a call from Alfie, I answer it:
(B-Beth, A-Alfie)
B: Hey Alf!
A: Hello Bethany! Do you know what time you need Zoe & me to pick you and Neve up from Bluewater?
B: In about 5 minutes maybe?
A: Okay we will meet you outside!
B: Okay, love you bye!
*ends call*
"Okay, We have 5 minutes to get a shakeaway!" I tell Neve.
"This is why we're best friends!" Neve says.
I link my arm through hers and we walk off to get a shakeaway!

**Alfie's POV**
B: Okay, love you bye!
**call disconnects**
I smile, Beth told me she loves me!
She finally feels at home❤️
I go into the lounge and see Zoe lying their asleep so I walk over to her!
"Lickle One, time to wake up, we need to go collect Beth & Neve!" I whisper to her.
Her eyes start to squint meaning she's awake!

Once Zoe has fixed her hair & makeup we get in the car and start driving to bluewater!

**Beth's POV**
"Hey Guys! Today I'm here with my best friend Neve," I turn the camera at her and she waves!
"And we are blue water because we are going shopping!!!
Well we have actually finished shopping now & we just got a shakeaway so we are waiting for Zalfie to come pick us up!"

I say to the camera, I see Zalfie pull up outside so I end the vlog and Neve & me walk out of the mall!
We put our bags in the boot then get in the car!
"Hey Beth! Hello Neve, lovely to meet you!" Zoe & Alfie say to Beth.

By the time we get home Zoe & Alfie's ears are probably bleeding because of mine and neve's amazing singing in the car😂

We go up to my room and I put away all my stuff and we go back downstairs and start watching Netflix!

We watch Netflix for about an hour & a half then Zoe & Alfie tell us we are going to Nandos!
Which is good because Neve & Me are starviingggggg!
Well I am idk about neve😏

We arrive at Nandos and the waitor sits us down at our table!
This is what we order;

Zoe to drink: Minute Made Lemonade & to eat: lemon herb chicken breast with salad and halumi!

Alfie to drink: Coke & to eat: the same as Zoe, but with extra chicken wings!

Neve to drink: Lemonade & to eat: Chicken Salad (followyourdreams44 i know your probs wouldn't eat that but it was the only thing I could think of😂)

And Me I got the exact same as Neve except to drink I got Strawberry Lemonade!

**an hour later**
We finish up our meal in Nandos and we drive home! By the time we get home its 10:45pm because the traffic was super busy!

Neve & me go upstairs to my room and get into our pjs and we decide to make loaaddssss of dubsmash!

By the time we finish those it is 2:35am.. wow, time flies when your having fun!
We set up neve's bed, next to mine, and we talk for about another hour or so, and then we fall asleep!

**the next day**
I wake up at 11am and turn over to see Neve, STILL ASLEEP!
I decide to wake her up the Beth Deyes way!
I grab my pillow, jump on her bed, and start hitting her with it!
She wakes up after a while and once she has got her energy she starts tickling me, and carries on until I'm begging her to stop!

She finally stops and we start to get ready for trampolining!
You may of seem in one of Alfie's vlogs he went to this massive trampoline place with Jamie Oliver & Louis Cole (FunForLouis) they went their and today Alfie is taking us!

We both put on sports bra's and these cropped leggings with our nikes!
We don't have any breakfast because Alf says its better doing it on an empty stomach!

So we get in the car and go!

We arrive and the worker lets us go straight in because Alf has done it before!
We go on to the trampolines and start jumping up and down, warming up!

Then we start jumping from trampoline to trampoline, eventually doing front flips etc etc!
Neve & me then start doing handstands & walkovers!

The whistle then blows two hours layer indicating that our time has finished, so we come off the trampolines and we get in the car & start driving home!

When we arrive Zoe is making us a picnic to take into the garden!

We decide before we eat lunch to get out of our gym clothes so we put on joggers from new look, baggy jumpers from primark & new look and our nikes... Again😂

We take the picnic and go out in the garden.
We finish eating everything when some flour gets poured on our heads!
I look up and see Alfie's head leaning out the window, laughing!
I go inside quickly and grab two bags of flour for me & neve and we hide around the side of the house!
Alfie comes outside the backdoor looking for us and we run round and chuck flour at him, until he looks like a snowman but then he runs up to us and starts hugging us, rubbing flour all over us!

After our flour war has finished Neve & me both have showers and then Neve's Mum arrives and it's time for her to go😩
We hug goodbye and then Neve gets in the car and drives home!

I'm so glad I've found my best friend💘

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