Chapter 27- I hate myself

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>WARNING: Close to self harming<
**Beth's POV**
**A week after Vidcon**

I'm in the car on the way to school!
I'm excited to see everyone again after 3 weeks, seeing I got an extra week off school💘
Your probably wondering what happened to Leah and if she's okay?
Well she is! She fainted and went to hospital and it turns out she's pregnant, I feel so happy for Joe💗

We pull up and I kiss Zoe's cheek and get out the car.
I walk in to the playground and no one comes up to me, I just stand their like a stranded chicken😂

Suddenly I get tapped on the shoulder, I spin around and see Anais, Paige & Taylor standing their..
"PAI-" She cuts me off,
"I can't believe you.. You used us!
Stay away Beth from us Beth.. Go find someone else!"

I stand their shell shocked as they barge past me! I don't understand whats going on..
My phone vibrates as I get a text from Neve: Not gonna be in today, feeling ill, cya tomorrow💘

I reply with a simple okay🍕 and I lock my phone and see Ash standing infront of me!
"Babe, sory I didn't text I-"
"Forget it Beth.. I found someone else instead of you.. No one likes a show off"
Then Brooklyn comes over and kisses him.. I feel a crack go right down the middle of my heart!

I knew this would have something to do with that brat😓

**After school**
I'm currently walking home listening to my music.. My day was rubbish.

I got dirty looks all around school.. I tried to hide my crying every time I saw Ash & Brooklyn together.. and the worst of all?
My 3 best friends hate me.. and I don't understand why!

I put my phone back in my bag and a car comes past, then I see Brooklyn driving it!
She speeds up her engine and drives straight through a puddle which the water flies over me.. she starts driving off and I stand on the pavement dripping with water!

I arrive home and luckily Zoe & Alfie aren't there!
I rush upstairs crying and lock my self in my bathroom.. I just curl up in a ball on the floor and cry.

The next thing I know I have the blade of my sharpener against my wrist.
I want to cut so bad right now.. But I shouldn't, I then sneeze and the blade cuts my skin, I wince in pain when I hear Zoe's familiar voice calling my name.

I quickly pull my jumper sleeve down and throw the blade to the bottom of my bag!
Zoe enters my room and I start playing on my phone,
"Hey Beth, how was your day?" She asks.
"It was good thank you!" I lie,
"Okay well we were going to meet up with Louise for dinner tonight, is that alright with you?" Zoe tells me.
"Yes sure! I will start to get ready soon!" She leaves my room and I roll up my sleeve again and stare at the cut.

Zoe & Alfie can't find out.. I didn't mean to anyway!
I wipe up the blood and go for a nice long shower and then put on some white jeans and a blue jumper from Topshop.

We get in the car to drive to London and I sit in the back on my phone!
I log on to Twitter and I have 234 notifications.

I look at them all.. and its because of something is trending!
Its a hashtag saying #GetBethToMakeAYoutubeChannel
It makes me smile so much!

**Skips to after meal**
Iget home and lay down in bed on my phone.. And I get a from Aaron, I ignore it and go to bed!

**Aaron's POV**
I send Beth a text:
Hey B.. Okay your annoyed at me still I'm guessing but I saw what happened at school today and I want to help you!
I want to be a good friend and stick up for you.
If you don't need me fine, but I know something that you don't that might help you out..
Aaron x

I wanted a more dramatic chapter.. so here it is💜
Yah um.. Vote, Comment & share👌🏼
Izzz x

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